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Dave's Malifaux Minis (Along With Other Minis)


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Never been a big fan of the Trollblood models in general (Everblight fan here) but I like what you've done with them, and I continue to see your improvement as a painter in general. Always great to see new stuff from your painting table and as always, thanks for sharing.

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Never been a big fan of the Trollblood models in general (Everblight fan here) but I like what you've done with them, and I continue to see your improvement as a painter in general. Always great to see new stuff from your painting table and as always, thanks for sharing.
Thanks! I'm working on the rest of the Slugger unit next.

Your painting style matches up with the Super Dungeon Explore minis extremely well. They look very 16-bit.
Thanks! I was going for a Final Fantasy/Shining Force/Generic JRPG feel on her.
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Thanks! I'm going for about 8-10 different tartans, and I'll rotate them throughout my Trollkin units and solos. That will give me a few different looks, but a common theme. (Kriel Warrior units will each come from the one Kriel, and each model will have the same tartan as the rest of the unit, of course. If I happen to buy any Kriel Warriors, that is.)

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You know, I despise the Retribution sculpts (the whole pantaloon armor aesthetic just bugs me), they're what finally drove me from WM. (Still play a little Hordes, but am even starting to be a little "Meh" about a lot of their recent stuff too.) But I have to say, that Daemon actually looks pretty cool as a general mechanoid of destruction type.

As I'd said before, it's great seeing you grow in your painting skills. Some nice looking stuff and once again, thanks for sharing.

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Thanks. I may put up some WIPs of my next two projects, but you'll only be able to see the final products over on WAMP. I'm planning on entering their Privateer Press competition. I can win some P3 paints, though I doubt it. There are some amazing painters out there. (But you can't win if you don't play!)

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Can't. Has to thematically fit with the rest of my Khador army, which is black-armored. Don't worry, though, it will stand out more once I'm done highlighting and weathering it. I just added that first layer of highlighting last night.

I need to figure out what to do with the inside of its rear hooves. They're just brown right now.

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