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Foam Malifaux table (with WIP pictures)


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After a short break we decided to return to Malifaux. Instead of going for the Terraclips I decided to build a table since we have quite a lot of terrain to go with it. The table is a official Malifaux size 3'x3' (91,5cm x 91,5cm).

First I draw a plan on a piece of paper, scanned it and finished with photoshop to get an idea what I'm going to do.


The table is made out from 5cm thick foam I found from the trash. The cobblestone is made with some fake leather (=plastic) canvas I had lying around. Decided not to attach the higher level to make modifying the table easier.


I painted the base colors with Folk Art acrylic paints. And took some bigger picts.


Then I washed the whole table with really thin black paint.


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Here's a picture of the table after the wash dried.


After some furious drybrushing and a new black wash the base level of the table is ready. The cobblestone texture came out quite nice and as the material is a bit rubbery it is really great to play on.



Of course the new table needed to be played on immediately. The buildings are print out card buildings from Daves Games.



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Here's couple of WIPs of the higher level piece and the fence test. I'm scratch building the fence and planned to attach it directly to the level piece, but in the end decided against it.



The stairs are 25mm wide, so they hold a normal size Malifaux miniature nicely. Smaller realistic looking stairs would be nice, but I wanted to keep the whole board as playable as possible.


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And here's the finished second level. Will upload some pictures of the whole table together when we play next time. The house is the painting test building for my scratch built village set. It has just the base colors, so there's a lot of washing, highlighting and detail stuff to be done so it will fit the table's "dirtyness".


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Dude, this is all kinds of awesome... where did you get the 'cobblestone' fake leather canvas from?

Thanks mate. I bought the cobblestone-canvas from a boutique in Mexico City for 1,5 dollars and still have quite a lot left. I could imagine any bigger canvas stores have something similar. Just keep your eyes open.

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