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I'm an idiot


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I glued my entire Sonnia avatar together before I started painting her.

A sensible person would have left Sonnia herself seperate from the Salamander and glued the two parts together later.

It's looking decent so far, but dear god I've made things tricky for myself...getting the base colours on Sonnia is not easy.

Learn from my example: think before you glue.

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I have the same problem when it comes to painting.

Ooh shiny new mini.

*put together*

*prime and base*

*-_- aww crud. Now I cant get under the arm properly. Not doin that again*

*ooh shiny new mini...*

I face palm every time and forget shortly after.

Mayhaps those face palms destroyed brain cells?

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I have the same problem when it comes to painting.

Ooh shiny new mini.

*put together*

*prime and base*

*-_- aww crud. Now I cant get under the arm properly. Not doin that again*

*ooh shiny new mini...*

I face palm every time and forget shortly after.

Mayhaps those face palms destroyed brain cells?

I was putting together my Hamelin crew, and the same thing happened to me - Nix would have been much much better to work with if he was left apart, but alas I had to put him together.

Thankfully 20+ rats are all one piece.

(And, ummm, yeah this is actually my first post on the forums)

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I was putting together my Hamelin crew, and the same thing happened to me - Nix would have been much much better to work with if he was left apart, but alas I had to put him together.

Thankfully 20+ rats are all one piece.

(And, ummm, yeah this is actually my first post on the forums)

Yay I have a Captain... Go destroy, bring me cheese.

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Sir, Yes sir!

Excelent, Muha ha haaaaaaaaaaah.

BTW is a pie-rat like a pie-elf*? or a rat found on the sea with a cutlass?

*pie-elfs are the traditional type of elf found in Live Action Settings, Elves appear in fiction as thin tall humanoids that can dance over snow without leaving tracks. They appear in LARP as rotund creatures with more in common with a boulder than a a human being. They are normally seen rolling down hills and terrifying archaologist trying to pick up ancient artifacts.

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No, I though I was just being clever and combining pirate and rat, I had no idea about the children's stories.

So now I've learned TWO things today, my screen name is unconciously stolen, and LARP elves are different...

Back on topic, I got clever and seperated my crew from their scenic bases before priming and painting them, so I think I may be learning.

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