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why would wyrd not do this ?

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I was just going over some stuff in my head and wondered why they wouldn't pack 2 or more of the free mini for spending $100 or more in one package worth over a few hundred dollars .

I assume they don't make any money off of the shipping charges ( I could be wrong here but wyrd don't seem the type to do that ) .

I am thinking this actually causes them more work and actually cuts into there profit a bit . By what I have been hearing and reading is everyone is just splitting up there orders for every $100 to get more limited edition minis . So say there are 500 people spending $300 each , most of those people will split there orders by 3 which now makes the shipping department have to pack 1500 boxes , which will take more time , more boxes , more shipping lables , more printer ink and paper for receipts . All the extra packaging adds up when your talking about thousands of orders .

And if at the con they did the same thing lines must have been forever and constant serving the same person 3 or 4 times .

Just seems like more work , they would probably save money and so would the costumers ( not having to pay the extra few dollars per package ) .

just a random thought I had waiting on line for breakfast at the deli today .

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I agree with you guys was just a thought , but bellygrub I am pretty sure though it would be faster and cheaper for them to send the orders out with multiple demeanor' s . Less packaging means less hours packing , which means less orders to mess up and less time on the clock . Its not hard to say 1 of this for every hundred spent .

If I think about it the most time spent packing a box is building the box and taping it up .

But Wyrd is doing a fine job with stuff so , whatever there method is it works !

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