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Dogs and 'Punks together?

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I am finally getting going playing McMourning...checked the post bag the bulk of my models came in...December 2009 haha!

The local gaming crew are telling me they are usually playing scraps at 35SS.

This is the preliminary list I have in my head with the models I have available:



Convict 'slinger


3 Necropunks

3 Canine Remains

1 Zombie chichi

8SS cache

I have a Flesh Construct and a spare dog available as summons. Planning on another FC and a rogue necromancy when they come out.

What are the thoughts on playing so many low value models with Dogs and 'Punks in the list? I like the potential for managing my activations but can also see it getting ugly if the other crew gets a hold of me as McMourning is the only real hitter in the list.

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Dead Rider

3 Necropunks

4 Canine Remains

1 Zombie chichi

7SS cache

This is the list I run and I like it a lot. You can have Sebastian ether gather body parts for an early Rouge Necromancy or come up and help with close combat. If he is going to come with me to help in close combat I turn in three ss for body part counters. If I am going for the early RN then I turn in four most of the time. Nothing like moving 15" summoning a RN 6" away then having it walk 5" and have a melee range of 2". Mmmm.... a 28" threat range.

The Dead Rider has worked really well for me. Because of all the Canine Remains and Necropunks I have so many activations that things that are important, like McM DeadRider RN and the like, can go when they are going to be at their most useful and probably not die because normally they are most useful going last. Another redicous threat range model here. When you have him between 7-5 wounds he gains fast and terrifying 13. So he can move 6" and then Mounted Combat for 10" and with a 3" attack range that's 19". Plus the look on peoples faces when next turn you Mounted combat and drag your prey along with you, so good :).

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Thanks for the pointers guys. I am thinking that loosely:

McM and the 'punks will support each other.

Seb and his dags will roll together.

Nursey and the 'slinger.

All subject to the missions etc but there are a few obvious synergies that pop out while giving a couple of groups that can try to secure some VPs.

I should get to borrow book2 this weekend so I'll get a better idea of the new models and their abilities. The Dead rider sounds like fun.

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newbie here. How do you summon an RN?

okay here...to do it from turn 1 or 2

1 Take at least 2 extra K9 remains...these are going to die, so take more if you want to use them.

2 Cast Wracked with pain on a K9 in melee range. Cheat with a Mask to trigger Scalpel Magic. [1]

3 Melee the dog and kill it. [2]

4 Pick up the corpse counter. [4]

Repeat steps 2-4 on another dog. [8]

Use your (0) action Monstrous Creation and summon away.

As for the OP...playing with low cost models is what the Ressers do, it is a viable strategy to ensure that you out activate the enemy.

Also remember to hunt in packs so that the enemy model is slowed down and takes that -2 Df.

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