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Freikorps vs the Arcanists


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My Freikorps were sent out on a new mission, this time to retrieve a lost treasure deep in the hags territory out in the Malifaux wilderness. Searching the area around the house had them bump into the Arcanists, led by Marcus, and a whole bunch of beasts and constructs.

35 Soul stones as usual


Von Schill

3x Freikorpsmenn

1x Librarian

1x Specialist

2x Trappers

Strategy, "Treasure hunt", retrieve the treasure chest located inside the cabin and haul it back to friendly deployment.

Schemes "Body guard" Von Schill (keep him alive) and "Gather soul stones" (end the game with more SS than the enemy). Both schemes were hidden.



3x Ice Gamin

1x Sabretooth Cerberus

3x Silurid

Strategy "Claim jump", move to a specific spot on the table and hold it with at least double amount of models at the end of the game.

Schemes "Hold out" (prevent enemy models in friendly deployment) and Assassinate Von Schill.

Both schemes were hidden.

Check the whole report on my blog: http://anatolisgameroom.blogspot.com/2011/07/treasures-in-hags-territory-maliaux.html





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Sounds like a fun game. It does seem you made a few mistakes. Marcus could not pick up the treasure as it was not his strategy. Also you said "Luckily the Freikorps armor reduced the Ice Gamin minimum damage completely." Even with armour they would deal 1 damage, even if reduced to zero it would cause 1 damage.

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