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Flight/float and different levels of terrain



We played our first game on a 'multiple levels' levels heavy board the other day and both me and my opponent had flying/floating models. I would like to clarify exactly how you would fly up and down terrain in Malifaux. The reason I ask is due to the unique way shooting from different levels works and wondering if that applys to movement aswell.

When floating from ground level to a height 4 piece of terrain 1" away would you...

Measure 1" to the piece of terrain move the model to the top and then keep moving with no cost or penalty.

Measure a diagonal four and a bit inches to the top of the terrain and then keep moving?

Measure 1" to the terrain then 4" up along side the terrain and then continue moving?

Or something else...?

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You simply measure the horizontal distance. With extremely high terrain pieces this can sometimes get a bit silly (16" towers FTW!), but it's a quick and dirty way to handle movement easily.

All distances are horizontal.

When it gets really silly is when you have someone like Seamus 6" away from a really tall tower and he summons a Belle all the way at the top of it.

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