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Being lazy, looking for Onryo trim


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So I'm sitting here avoiding the heat and painting away. Thing is, I seem to just be throwing stuff on and going with it and I'm getting close to the point where I will need a trim. I've decided to go polling for ideas.



The purple is done, though it might need a little more highlighting to bring out the high areas. The silvery blue you see is VGC Turquoise (72024) that I put down as a base and then went over it with a mix of VGC Glaze Medium, VGC Wolf Grey (72047) and a bit of water. I like the effect and am getting ready to start layering on straight Wolf Grey and highlighting with white.

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Burnt orange could do it certainly. I'm thinking about using a turqoise/green on the darker side. How does that sound Osoi?

Ultimately they are your models so do what you are happy with. If you wnet for a turqoise/green the model is going to be very cool in tone and colour and might seem a little lacking.

What colour were you look at doing for the skin and I take it traditional black hair? or something else?

The burnt Orange will compliment both of the colours you already have on the model and because you already have the blue quite pale and the purple quite deep having the orange being 'off' a little wont make it too overpowering

Edited by osoi
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Ultimately they are your models so do what you are happy with. If you wnet for a turqoise/green the model is going to be very cool in tone and colour and might seem a little lacking.

What colour were you look at doing for the skin and I take it traditional black hair? or something else?

The burnt Orange will compliment both of the colours you already have on the model and because you already have the blue quite pale and the purple quite deep having the orange being 'off' a little wont make it too overpowering

Haven't decided on the skin yet, maybe more yellow green? VGC Deadflesh plus other colors for fun/profit?. Good point on the green making it too cool (can they ever be, "too cool?"). I'll try out the burnt orange a bit and see how it turns out. Thanks for picking up on my hesitation for the overpowering aspect :-) I am worried about it, but I'll give it a go. OH, the hair will be black yes.

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Well have a look at my Onryo (shameless plus I know). I used all three primaries on the same model, something that is normally jarring but by making the yellow a more mustard yellow, the red deeper and the blue quite pale and adding some white and black the whole model balances.

I would almost try and go for a neutral pale grey (or a warm grey) for the skin, the yellow green might throw the colour balance out.

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Well have a look at my Onryo (shameless plus I know). I used all three primaries on the same model, something that is normally jarring but by making the yellow a more mustard yellow, the red deeper and the blue quite pale and adding some white and black the whole model balances.

I would almost try and go for a neutral pale grey (or a warm grey) for the skin, the yellow green might throw the colour balance out.

Sounds like a good idea, I'll give it a go and post some pics later tonight :-) What time is it there down under?

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Ok, here's the 99% completed versions (excluding the base). Overall I'm happy with it, though I'm thinking about hitting the skin with a thinned out black ink and then doing a touch up highlight. I also want to add the Chikara kanji to the open fan. By the time I had realized I had forgotten to add it everything was closed up for the night ^^'





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