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Killjoy, blood price Qzz




Ok here's the situation: turn 3 Killjoy isn't in melee with an ennemy model, but is in melee range of a friendly model.

Should Killjoy:

a. strike the friendly model

b. charge another model (closest)

(if option b. could the friendly model do a disengaging strike?)

Then if Killjoy charges a friendly model, who controls him, still his owner? If so can the player simply cheat down on the charge to avoid having Killjoy killing friendly models?

Finally if there are no model in LoS does Killjoy still charge towards the closest model on the board, or does blood price not affect him this turn?

Thanks for your help!


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I would interpret it as (B) for the first part as the ability specifies melee range of an 'enemy' model

if he charges a friendly model you still control him (unless of course you didnt discard a control and your opponent did). Yes you would be able to cheat the duel flips (I do kind of thing regularly with McMourning) between two friendly models.

You may only make a charge action against models in LoS if there is no one in LoS you cannot make that action. Remember though that if anyone is in LoS but not in range of the chareg he still charges it just fails and is just extended movement (essentially)

As for your last point I would want clarification form a marshal but I would say that he would be unaffected by blood price

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It doesn't have to be another model. You aren't engaged with your own model, so no disengaging strike, and also nothing preventing you from charging it even if its already in btb.

You need to read the charge rule again. You can't charge a model that is already in your melee range.

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