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nice ideas for minis but no brains...

The Unforgiven

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hi peeps,

ive had models before n plan themes for them like how nice it would be to make the idea transfer onto to the model...but then i lose steam n i hit things i just cant figure out and im not good at talking to people...which leads to me abandoning the ideas n just give the minis a boring paint job n then they end up hidden forever.

kinda hoping not to do that with the mali minis cos they look really nice n i want to give them a nice themed base too.

look forward to any replies,

The Unforgiven

p.s. i used to pick one item on the mini n just do a kinda good paint on that then the rest...colours dont work well...probably need a 101 on colour theory for a non-painter minded person.

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Hi, how many models did you paint until now? Problem is, you can learn a lot from tutorials but the internet is source of frustration, too.

I am painting for 15 years, it is ok for my FLGS, and i generally like my minis. But i think i wouldnt get much higher than 7 on CMON. It is all about training, training, training.

Try it and post a mini, tell what you wanted to achieve and ask the question "what can i do better".

Normally everyone will help you to learn getting better.

There are some things first: How do you paint, straight from the pot, palette, wet palette? What painting techniques have you mastered? Did you try a colour circle?

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OK a nice themed based is really fun to do and I don't think it is as hard as the painting itself. There is an awesome basing tutorial section at http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2009/10/tutorial-overview.html

In terms of colour selection I reckon the more limited the palate the more striking things can be. So try not to use too many different colours. If you use a bright colour (and I think this is good even) then limit this. If you have two big areas of bright striking colours be careful because you don't know where to look. The eye can be drawn to bigger brighter flashy areas so save these colours for an area where you want the eye to be drawn to.

Finally search the internet for other versions of the model you are painting and get some inspiration. Browse the internet for ideas and colour schemes. If you have a really good picture of something great you want before you start then you are more likely to stick with it I think.

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DAGabriel: hey ive painted probably thousands of them by now but half of them were really poorly done bt still most of them got ebayed....but hey they only got sld cos they were GW stuff. plus they werent full painted all of them so meh.

i only have a dark elf army but only the corsairs are partly painted. i find GW stuff doesnt inspire me to want to paint them thats partly why i moved away from them.

well i have the kirai crew and for them i've picked out the colour scheme for them from samurai x and rurouni kenshin...only cos of tomoe yukishiro and when i saw kirai's model i said she has to be tomoe and noone else -_- yeah it became very ocd on that matter...not sure if i can post images from google on here of the characters with their kimonos on here so u gonna have to google them if you dont know them...soz.

so yeah the colour scheme has been picked and for the kirai crew its the bases im worried about and how to make the bases fit what i have in mind...idea being they came out of a river and walking up the bank and across a dirt road...but kirai has a blood soaked base with a mound of heads by her feet since she's on a revenge rampage...like idea of white with a chestnuty red nearby...

I used to just wet my brush and pick a bit of the paint out the pot but now im using a palette and thinning it out...usually i end up having just water rather than paint after thinning it out.

i sadly don't understand the colour circle at all and if someone can explain it to me with easy english that would be great.

here's two pics of a corsair ive kinda painted up...





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hey moondog thanks for the link man...but maybe i just dont understand colour theory cos that bit completely lost me but the rest was easier for me to understand.

oh and thanks for the heads up about the picture thing and after googling all night i've concluded that i'll have to be content with pictures of the scheme from the show.

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