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Questions before purchase.


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The starter boxes come with minis and bases, but no inserts.

As a new painter, is it worth my while getting the inserts or resin bases to put the minis on?

Never used them before so im not sure how straightfoward they are to use etc.

If anyone can provide me any info and advice about them id appreciate it.



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A good base will always make your mini 'pop'. Its really a 6 of 1 and half dozen of the other decision, as if you get the inserts and do all the fiddly cutting off of tabs and pinning to base stuff before painting then its done. However if you do it seperately then you risk damaging the paintwork...i know as i managed it on a couple of models :(

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You could also use Sculpey to make your own base if you don't find anything that's to your liking out there. I couldn't find anything that was quite right for my Lilith's Brood crew, so I made a river for them to stand over. It didn't take very long at all, and the figures themselves were already painted. (I'd already painted my figures before I decided to just make my own very amateurish base inserts)

I also suggest using a finish, especially a paint-on finish. I've used the high-gloss for getting a good "wet" look, and for highly reflective metal, while a matte finish makes everything else look like flesh.

If you want to see how mine turned out just click on my Lilith signature.

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