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The fluff don't work...

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Have you ever played in a wargame of any sort where something happens in game that, given the bigger picture, either makes no sense at all or just completely destroys the background fluff...?

Here are a couple of examples:

A pal of mine when he worked for GamesWorkshop saw a guy playing a small, low-point, skirmish game using Eldar. Thing is he managed to work a Seer Council into it.

My pal thought about this for a moment... it was actually ridiculous!

"I mean, the scenario here is Rescue," he said, "what does he think they're doing? 'Oh no, look! A Guardian's in trouble! Quick, send the entire command structure of the whole Craftworld down to save him!'...?"

Another was when I was playing Warmahordes. I had Trolls to use against my opponent's Skorne.

In the end I killed his Warlock by charging him with a Dire Troll, who proceeded to eat him.

Now, if this was a campaign, what now...? If he got knocked down to 0 health then it could be ruled he was just really badly injured, but not killed.

But my Dire Troll ate him, digested him, and used his mass to regenerate D3 hitpoints :P

That's one Skorne Warlock gone for good!

Anyone else had anything mad happen?

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Another was when I was playing Warmahordes. I had Trolls to use against my opponent's Skorne.

In the end I killed his Warlock by charging him with a Dire Troll, who proceeded to eat him.

Now, if this was a campaign, what now...? If he got knocked down to 0 health then it could be ruled he was just really badly injured, but not killed.

But my Dire Troll ate him, digested him, and used his mass to regenerate D3 hitpoints :P

That's one Skorne Warlock gone for good!

Well obviously it was an interloper pretending to be the skorne warlock in question, because if it had been the REAL warlock, it would have most certainly never have been eaten by a troll...

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My pal thought about this for a moment... it was actually ridiculous!

"I mean, the scenario here is Rescue," he said, "what does he think they're doing? 'Oh no, look! A Guardian's in trouble! Quick, send the entire command structure of the whole Craftworld down to save him!'...?"

Maybe it was a REALLY important Guardian??

Then again, Hal Jordan couldn't get the Corps to help him against the biggest most evil villain in the universe, so...

But yeah, happens every game of Malifaux, if you consider that a Master "dies", or pretty much any time you're playing against the Ressers. :tongue1:

The game-play is a loose abstraction from the fluff. I have had some fun with it though, and if you look at one of my narrative battle reports (here) I even had Masters from the same faction fighting against each other. At one point in the game, one of the Masters was 'killed', but I made the narrative fit. I guess it's tougher if you have things digesting stuff or raising zombies or something. But if you're REALLY creative, I bet you can make something fit. :D

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Not a funny story but I always remember a game where my Dark Eldar Wych cult was up against a space wolves force.

A great match up for me you hear me say. Agreed, until he pulls out about three whirlwinds and all other manner of ranged options, parked them in about 1 foot square in the corner of the board with the most free space in front of it and refused to come out.

To be fair he won the game, but I can't imagine either of us found it fun.

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I had a sucky incident with Space Wolves but with the exact opposite problem you had.

It was in a tournament and I was using my Marines army. Scenario was where I start off with just 2 squads to face off against the entire enemy force and the rest come on as reinforcements with the reserves rule.

The Space Wolves were a mechanized army.... Anything that wasn't on a bike was in a rhino.

I also had the worst reserves rolls ever. Ended up with my army advancing into this whirling mass of grey death one squad at a time.

It was like the keystone cops vs the bikers from Hell. I could very much believe that'd be drivingng round in circles drinking bud!

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That's one of the things that finally killed GW for me. I mean really you got Daemon Princes of Slaanesh running with Khorne Beserkers. Been playing GW games for two decades you can do a bunch of cheesy stuff with it, I hate that. I like armies that are really well thought out and visually appealing dunno that's just me.

Most of the time I'm fine with suspending what the fluff says versus the rules, as Cereal said. If you went by Space Marine fluff you'd have one tactical squad versus a 2000pnt army, and they'd win. As for master and henchmen death well I tend to play Seamus so his ladies are just getting up again, as for the man himself...he's just been shot in the leg a bunch:)...It's hard to do narrative skirmish games and keep it really fluffy in my opinion that's more suited to RPGs and such. That being said you can still have a blast with a skirmish campaign and linked games.

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Oh, man, just remembered another one!

A couple of years ago i was playing the original Horus Heresy board game with some pals, with myself in control of the Imperial forces. The battle was very heated, massive casualties on both sides.

It finally came down to the Emperor teleporting up to Horus's Battle Barge with whatever units were with him at the time.

Just before they went up, I noticed a unit a few squares away from the Emperor which would really help... the Sky Fortress!

So yes, the Sky Fortress drifted on over and was caught in the teleporter beam! Horus got the fright of his life when he was flexing his talons in eager anticipation of a final showdown with his father, when all of a sudden he was looking down the barrel of a bombardment cannon.

Horus was atomized, and the Emperor survived!

A rules technicality seemed to have saved the Imperium from 10,000 years of decay... until the Horus Heresy novels were published.

Therein was a description of Horus's Battle Barge, the main hall of which was described as being able to fit a smaller Cruiser. As the Sky Fortress was smaller than a cruiser, my tactic was sound!

The Emperor really missed a trick with that one!

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I remember one time i was playing a scenario with an eldar player, where his "emissary" farseer had to survive the battle or at least made sure that my HQ died first.

Things were not going the eldar way and my warboss was down to his last wound when the "emissary" charged into my warboss to try and kill him. Needless to say that the warboss was not impressed and crushed the the farseer in his powerklaw lol.

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Maybe it was a REALLY important Guardian??

Then again, Hal Jordan couldn't get the Corps to help him against the biggest most evil villain in the universe, so...


ow man i hope so much for you that was no spoiler!!!!!!

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I dont know about destroying the fluff. But when i was a gw staffer i was taking part in a staff game after hours during the 13th black crusade worldwide campaign.

My manager was narrating the game between myself using 1500pts of deathwing terminators vs another staffer named dan who was running a iron warriors force. The scenario played itself into the iron warriors laying siege to a deathwing shrine.

I started in a fortress with the warriors outside. My manager declares that a dark angel strike cruiser had breached the blockade and would fight it out above the planet with the iron warriors cruiser. Dice were rolled and the angels were victorious HUZZAH!!!.

My manager with an evil glint declares i have to roll scatter for the wreckage of the destroyed cruiser hitting planet side. so off i go....smack down on top of the deathwing manning the walls. 20 termies, 20 2+ saves........15 dead veteran marines.

The 5 remaining warriors and supporting dreadnought held out for 4 turns against a full iron warriors force, their cruiser that fought so treacherously in orbit bombarded the iron warriors for 4 full turns and killed nothing more than a few bugs.

Karma bites!

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I have too many horror stories that go against the fluff. too many to mention.

My most beloved game was with one of my friends who was running a khorne themed chaos marien list. all he had were khorne bezerkers, drednoughts and defilers. I played with my dark angels(the best army ever :P) and we had a good ol' time with the game going back and forth. it came down to 3 deathwing termies facing off against a defiler and after two rounds of combat, my termies punched that defiler's head off!!! A great game that I still tell my friends because when I looked at his list, Army Builder had lied to him. he was actually running a 2500 point army against my 1500 points......An epic standoff!

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@ghostwalker, man I wish I worked in your store...

In ours the Black Crusade sucked. The manager didn't reply want to do anything special, so it was just regular games as usual, except now you had to write the results on a chart...

Our manager was one of the better ones in the company. On top of staffer games, we scratch built helms deep(which became the fortress my angels were defending) from fortress boxed sets...foc'd about 8 of them by the end.

But above all during the 13th black crusade the best stunt he pulled was creating characters for every staff member to use. Each named after the staffer with a twist.

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