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hello malifaux

The Unforgiven

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yeah i started on GW a few years ago and just keeping up to their vampiric prices was real hefty on my bank and the new models really killed my love for tabletop games...that's where malifaux came in. hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to travel to this new place and get the malifaux rule books and possibly a few crews (which will have the death marshals set, really like things with really big swords and guns).

oh im kinda near heroes and legends in surrey uk...can't wait till i get my hands grubby in playing a few games.

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thanks for the welcome Lord Shaper :-)

I'm interested in the Lady Justice and Kirai crews thinking about the samurai zombies as well...though some of the others cud be very god but im having trouble finding large enough images of them (only have vision in one eye so big pictures wud help a lil)...not even sure what kirai crew looks properly but oriental feel sounds good.

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2 great choices for crews! But we definitely should have a henchman or two in your area, and hopefully they'll post here, but that's the best way to pick up the game quickly, and of course to find a malifaux group in your area as well. But welcome to the forums, as you'll see we have a ton of very friendly and helpful people here :)

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Welcome, enjoy your stay and stay away from the zombie hookers who knows where they have been :D

Lady Justice and Kirai are both very cool, with Lady J being a great master to get to know the game with and can go with almost anything the guild have to offer so can give a lot of variety. Kirai is a little more complex and she loves spirits of any kind

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I started up with Lady Justice myself... very nice to learn with and she can be a real beat stick...

I haven't played with Kirai yet as I want to get some more figures for her crew but Lady Justice works really well out of the box.

Did you want larger painted figures? You can see what I've done by following the links in my Signature.

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thanks EricJ i do hope to stick to malifaux just saw some more pics of the models of necropunks and i'm really loving the models' looks maybe by the end of today i'll know at least one person in the area who plays :-)

...atm im getting those great vibes for this game...must be cos Kirai is controlling my spirit too o.O

zombie hookers lol i havent been near one since uni lol *looks around to double check* yeap im clear of them Osoi :-D

thanks for the welcomes btw EricJ Osoi and Lord Shaper btw

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Hey Lord Shaper i saw a few of the pics after you posted a reply ;-) and i like your necropunks...the only possible problem id that i may end up wanting every one of the models at the shop lol happens when i get excited from seeing beautiful models.

i saw an unboxing on youtube with the close ups of models (unboxing of Lady J) which helped me say Lady J is a must...i mean a girl with guns and a big sword killing things....

mmm now need a girl in a kimono covered in blood and gore would seal the day for me :D

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i like the pics of your lady J and i think i've got my mind on getting lady J and kirai...i think....oooh but there's the pandora and bete noire crews...grrr the seamus and viktoria crews...ok it's too tough to decide on the first two sets to get since i don't really wanna go mad and buy 6 sets and end up giving the models a poor paint job and a poor basing job. what should i do i need to come up with an idea of which two sets to pick up first...though the more pics i see the list just gets bigger and bigger...this is bad very bad lol

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Hiya, and welcome.

Im not sure about the stores in the surrey area, but if you ever pop into london then Dark Sphere is certainly worth a visit. One of the other henchman demos there regulary and they have a pretty decent selection and a good webstore and above all they are very close to waterloo station. Its where i got my first fix of the models lol.

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I also stock some of the stuff in the link in my Sig, and thanks to some board members here I've assembled a deal where you got the rules manual, a crew, and a free totem to augment them.

As for which crew you'd like, apart from GW do you play any other games? Is there a particular style of play you prefer?

For example, in Warmachine I play Cryx and for Malifaux I went with Rasputina since she can channel spells through her cold-hearted units which is kinda similar to my Cryx arc nodes, so it's a style of play I feel I can work with.

Edited by Shae-Konnit
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hey guys,

just got back from the gaming store....*throws so called plan of restraint into the recycle bin* yeap there goes the plan...but still i got kirai though...i mean sexy models in her crew...too sexy now that i've looked at them for the 20th time lol.

yeah ratty just seen your kirai stuff...real sick man :-)

ghostwalker, thanks for the heads up ill check Dark Sphere out in sunday morning...though getting there will take at least an hour lol.

Shae-Konnit, in fantasy i play alot of the dark and high elves armies and now expanding into the counts and skaven pestilen clan armies. i generally go ranger-mage in most games i play but recently i feel bored running away from fights and trying to pick things off at a distance....though *looks at kirai*she too good looking...yeah erm the damage i used to deal in guild wars were the fire and barrage ppl with arrows and in M:TG 6th ed. i used red and green...l5r was the phoenix clan. so yeh if you can suggest a better crew than kirai's one then pls let me know...much appreciated ;-)

anyway enough of my ranting and more drooling hahaha

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