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Paralyze Question



This question came up last night about paralyze, and we just need a clear-cut answer. The situation came up regarding Levi's Waifs which gain Paralyze if Levi is killed during the round, however, I assume it would apply to any situation regarding Paralyze.

Other people at the LGS were contending that a model with Paralyze was unable to do anything at all during a turn, and basically, Paralyze would last on the model all the way until the end of the turn. Their definition of "forfeit its turn" is such that you cannot even choose to activate the model early in the round if you still have other models left to activate (sort of like Pacify). My argument was that if I have a Paralyzed model, and I want to make sure it can do things like Disengaging Strikes or use its Triggers, I can select to activate it early in the round (for instance, it could go first), in which case the model would go from a status of being 'not activated' to being 'activated', and it would essentially activate and immediately be done with its turn.

It just seemed to me that their assertion of not even being allowed to activate was incredibly strong (as if Paralyze needs to be any worse). On the flip side, being able to choose a Paralyzed model for your activation does offer a bit of a stalling tactic, in terms of activation control, so that was the primary point the others were making.


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4 answers to this question

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I believe this one is in Kel's sig..

You may choose a paralysed model whenever you would normally be able to activate it (including as part of companion group). At which point instead of activating normally, it would forfeit it's activation and no longer be paralysed.

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The model still consumes an Activation when it's Paralyzed, you still have to activate it in the turn, but it essentially does nothing. So things like Poison don't tick off on it as was ruled in the past, but you still have to spend one of your activations on that model.

I believe you are correct in that it lasts until that model activates next and loses that activation due to Paralyze. But I can see where the confusion comes in as the RM is not completely crystal clear about this. But for what it's worth, I believe your argument is correct.

Btw Lobo, V2 Waifs are no longer Paralyzed. They instead end their activation immediately.

*Edit: Whoop took to long, Ratty beat me to it by a mile XD

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Cool, thanks guys. And you know, I have V2 Waif cards, but probably just wasn't thinking clearly about them, since it's basically the same thing as Paralyze, without actually having that status effect.

Anyways, thanks for the clarification. As for Kel's sig, yeah, I know that's where most of it is discussed, and I tried to point this out to guys at the LGS last night, but they disagreed. So wanted to ask it clearly. Thanks.

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