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Useless Spells


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(1) Repulsive (CC: 10

M/Rst: Wp /Rg: p6) Push all models directly away

from this model until they reach the maximum range of this spell.

To be fair I haven't played her much but from what I've experienced so far not many unfriendly models get very close to her and going by the threads I've seen if they do get that close your probably using her incorrectly. And most any model could still charge/2x walk to get back into melee range at 6" range. JMO, I could be missing something.

IMO Repulsive is Zoraida's most useful spell. As others stated you can move your own models with it but the awesomesouce comes when you play against a Strategy or Scheme that needs models to be in a certain place (Claim Jump, Recconoiter, Stake a Claim etc.). I have won a tournament recently because I could sweep all the opponent's models from the strategic area during the last turn.

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McMourning's Rancid transplant. I use all the other spells, but never that one.

really, It's amazing if you have a decent mask in your hand to get an extra strike immediately after. What Master likes running around with ++ on damage flips against them.

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Sisters in Battle (1) means sacrificing an attack, and though there may be a few opponents where the buffs are worth it, I usually don't want to lose out on the extra attack.

Unless you cast it with the Vik that is not in combat. Being able to hit with 2-3 attacks with paired 5/6/8 is something which cannot be ignored and can catch your opponent off guard. Therefore, IMO Sisters in Battle is easly Viks' best spell.

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I will have to second Menace with Taleor, never used it and I dont think I will but realistically thats the only one I find that I havent cast. Ratty has extolled the virtues of Rancid Transplant and it really is a nice 'control' spell even if you dont actually end up hitting your target as it means you get a straight damage flip even if you draw the combat total.

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I will have to second Menace with Taleor, never used it and I dont think I will but realistically thats the only one I find that I havent cast. Ratty has extolled the virtues of Rancid Transplant and it really is a nice 'control' spell even if you dont actually end up hitting your target as it means you get a straight damage flip even if you draw the combat total.

more important you can get a straight flip against most Hard to Wound models even if you just win.

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