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Collodi's Dolls question



I was wondering if this was legal (assume all models start in base to base to each other with the marionettes being in front of Collodi):

Collodi activates and uses Puppet show, making the four marionettes around him Fast. He then 'uses' Holding the Strings to make the marionettes go immediately after he is done.

Marionette 1 activates and does a double move and then uses it's Pull Strings action. Marionette 1 and Collodi are now 15" away from their starting location.

Marionette 2 now activates and, due to the Collodi's Dolls ability, it is pushed to be in base to base with Collodi. It now double moves and then uses Pull Strings.

Marionette 3 and 4 follow suit.

After all of this, Collodi ends up being 60 inches from his starting location.

Is this legal? Or can he ever only move 32" due to each marionette's Collodi's Dolls ability?

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As others stated, you can't move further than 8" from Collodi with a Marionette. And the change was about only one Pull Strings action per Activation. So you can move some then use Pull Stings once with a Marionette to move exactly 8" away from Collodi and then push him to B2B with the Doll.

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activate Collodi use puppet show to give all friendly dolls fast. Pull strings on a marionette for a 5" walk with Collodi then walk 2 to 8". Activate the second marionette retract then repeat.

Pull Strings can be used once per turn per marionette and you will always want to have at least 1 marionette to be within 6" of Collodi so you can pass the effects of strikes or spells targeted at him.

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