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Corpe counters



Went searching on the forums and couldn't find an answer: Do all models drop corpse counters or does it have to be specified on the model's rules wether or not it drops a corpse counter?

Edit: sorry guys, wrong forum :P Need to be more carefull :(

Edited by Huoshini
wrong forum
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Its on Pg 9 or the rules Manual under the graverobber characteristic.

When a Living or Undead model is killed while one or more models with the Graverobber characteristic are in play, replace the living or undead model with a number of corpse counters equal to its base size: one for 30mm, two for 40mm, and three for 50mm

so only Living and Undead models leave corpse counters.

everything else:

Constructs, Spirits, Soulless, Nightmares, Objects do not leave Corpse Counters.

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