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Second Game - Taelor will beat your face in with a hammer.


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I got my second official game in at RIW last night. Was it fun? Yes!

I fielded McM, chihuahua, Sebastian, nurse, flesh construct, 4 canine remains, convict gunslinger. He ran VonSchill, 2x Freikorpmann, librarian, specialist, trapper and .... Taelor! It was another beat-face game... no VP. I'm kind of looking forward to someone wanting to play a VP game, but I'll accept my noob status and graciously accept what I can get... for now.

Ok, first off, if you are going to choose a model to get into combat with Taelor, DO NOT choose an undead construct. Seriously. Unless you are really need two corpse counters. Taelor ONE-HIT my poor flesh construct. In turn 2. McM used her for body parts later in the game, so I suppose it was a good trade.

While Taelor was aiming for the far fence with my flesh construct's head, I was plinking the trapper with "wracked with pain" a couple times and he figured, "I'd better shoot or I'm going to die without doing anything." He shot and wounded poor Sebastian, then the convict gunslinger stepped up and finished him off.

VonSchill with a librarian to heal him is a feisty little freak. Jumping around, taking a shot, jumping off. He jumped into combat with an already activated Sebastian (poor fat guy never gets a break) and the convict gunslinger went all rapid fire on them, hitting Sebastian *every* time. Whoops. All the same, that jump put him within 10" of McM, who moved and got some scalpel slingin' in, then dissected him (cheated the combat result to be able to cheat the damage.... cheated the red joker and drew a moderate for the extra... woo hoo 15 damage!) He chose to finish Sebastian off with his slow to die action. Just cruel, I tell you.

At the end, I had McM, his yappy totem and the convict gunslinger and he only had his librarian. Sweet, undead victory. I think I was able to distract him with dogs long enough for the others to move up and start carving him up.

Big fun!

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Good report. I enjoy the way you write, interesting and engaging. Look forward to reading some more reports.

Do try and start using the schemes and strategies though, it totally changes the dynamics of the game, to that intended by the games designers. otherwise some crews will just lose all the time without VPs to balance the game.

Plus, the game is much more fun when you are fighting for something other than using a flesh constructs head as a ball! lol

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