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The Legality of Master Holt


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I've got a Master Holt arriving in the mail soon, and I'm aspiring to kit the hell out of him for use as a Gunsmith. Anyway, I've got a plan for converting him, the question is, after the conversion process will he be bonified legal? Let me fill you in and you can tell me what you think.

Along with Master Holt, I've got two kits of Malifaux hats and guns coming my way. Holt's cuffs are hu-freaking-mongous, so I'm going to replace his forearms (separate bits to boot anyway), and find some other forearms and fit them with a peacebringer each. Then I'll scrape, cut, sand, pick the collar, belt and bottom of his overcoat off and then replace them with green stuff to give him a slimmer old western approach, leaving his boots, and the chest area of the figure as is. Lastly, I'm going to green stuff a beard for old Holt and fit him with a Malifaux bowler hat.

So, what do you fellas think about that?

Here's a few pictures for reference:



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The Gaining Ground document states the model can be 33% created by another company, the rest is either Wyrd created or entirely made by the player.

This model is pretty far off from the 2/3 standard for an OT. With that said: I definitely want to see it!

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An official stuffy shirt event would follow the Gaining Grounds doc which means no more then 33% of the model could be from another company.

So from the sounds of it your model would most likely not be allowed.

Note that the proxy and conversion rules are only enforced fully at Wyrd ran events. Which at this time basically translates to just Gencon. So your local events may allow it.

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Holt has arrived! Now I just have to wait for the hat and guns. In the meantime I'm going to find myself a file and get to work on that overcoat. Privateer Press must have the understanding that the entire world is cold as Scrooge's London-I'm still getting over how much of the coat I'll need to score off.

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That looks damned awesome.

Also, i'm fairly sure that until wyrd releases the gunsmith 99% of places would be fine with you using it as a proxy (Provided they are allowing proxys of un-released models.) And even when it is, if you just buy one and take it with you i'm sure nobody would mind as long as when asked you just say "I prefer this one since i made it myself, but i do have the actual model."

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