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Tips on cheap solid crews


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I would like to get your opinions on what crews makes a solid well rounded list 25-30ss, out of the box with a few extra blisters.

Since this is aimed at helping new players getting into the game with limited funds. Somewhat straight forward masters would be prefered.

Thankful for any tips and pointers.

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I just went through this experience with 14 new people. The answer is almost all of them. A better list I think is what lists could work *less* well (because they all work if we're talking a few blisters added on):

McMourning (Needs 2 dog packs, and more summons)

Nicodem (Summons. To really fill out he seems to use like every undead in the book. Vultures too.)

Somer Teeth( Just needs a lot of models)

Maybe Kirai (Seishin +)

Maybe Lucius (could use lots of guild goons)

I honestly can't think of much more. The above masters I mentioned are more like the ones that need the most stuff to get their right meta builds, and "meta" is really not even developed yet around here.

So 1 master box and say 3 blisters? Yeah, you could run pretty much anyone... The summoners I think would push that limit the hardest if any.



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I'd say easiest to get to grips with would be as follows.

Seamus box + Hanged Blister (at a lower SS level you could even split this with a Resser buddy) + Copycat Killer/Grave Spirit.

Pretty much any Book 1 Guild boxes + Executioner.

Ramos box + Electrical Creation (Magnetize the Arachnids to go on both 30mm and 40mm bases).

Rasputina box + December Acolyte/Silent One.

Marcus box + Silurids.

Viktorias box + Ronin.

Von Schill + Ronin.

Ophelia + Bayou Gremlins.

Zodaida + Voodoo Doll + any of the many things she can take.

Lilith + Young Nephilim.

The ones I've left out are more summon-oriented Masters, or not at all straightforward (IMO)! Pandora is fairly cheap to get set up with, but she takes a lot of getting used to.

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