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35 Stones - Hoffman & Lucius


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Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

C. Hoffman
4 Cache


  • Guild Austringer

  • Peacekeeper

  • Ryle, Guild Pawn

  • Watcher

- If the enemies are hiding behind terrain, the Guild Austringer can shoot them up to 5 times due to Lucius' Issue Command

- If the Austringer is threatened he can be "redeployed" by Reinforcements

- Hoffman's Maintain Machines negates Ryle's Can't Connect so Lucius can target him with Issue Command -> up to 9 (10 with Override Edict) shots per turn for Ryle

- As soon as the enemies come close they have to deal with Hoffman and the Peacekeeper

- The Watcher is a perfect target for Tap Power and can negate cover

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