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Painting...is stressful


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That's quite the collection! I got into minis gaming this November, 2010. I started playing 40k, built up 1500 points by mid-March, with ONE painted Space Marine (I was spending a lot of time stripping, trying out spray paints, etc.).

I bought into Malifaux on St. Patrick's day, played a few games, realized I was never going to touch my Space Marines again, and put 'em up for sale. I have time for one minis game, but that's all!

I got into miniatures when I was very young, but nothing much came of it until 2003/4 when a GW opened in my town and I quickly amassed a 10k fantasy Chaos army (which was awfully painted and now lies in ruins). The shop closed after less than 2 years (and a dozen managers) and I haven't painted/gamed since... well since I discovered Malifaux and a flame was ignited in my central boiler I call a heart. I love Malifaux but I love miniatures more and want the lot (Warmachine, hordes, warhammer, 40k, Freebooters Fate, Eden, Invinity, etc...) Right now I'm waiting till my loans come in (May) so I can buy paints and tools and get to work rebuilding the size of collection I once had, but this time with a lot more variety (and better paint jobs).

May can't come soon enough :musicus:

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I have litterally spent thousands of dollars on 40k at various points in my life since I started at age 15. I don't think I have ever had more than 40 40k models painted at one time. I love painting, but I get tired of painting the same marine/necron/tyranid over and over again.

I don't have this problem with Malifaux, and all of my models (except for Myranda who has been started and my guild guard captain who is almost done) are painted. I have over 100 points of neverborn, as well as some guild and arcanist. I think the variety of miniatures helps a lot.

It sounds like painting minis is a spiritual experience for some of y'all.

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