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Viktoria tactica request


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This is the main reason why you don't see Misaki in many lists. When you think about it, a lot of the Outcasts from book one do the same job, so people usually pick the best ones for each job.

Kinda sad really, Misaki is a great looking model.

Your right in so much as both Misaki and Taelor hit stuff with melee weapons, but I'd disagree that they do the same job. Misaki is basically another Viktoria, fast and fragile with a few tricks up her sleeve. Taelor is about as far as you can get away from a Vik, she's slower, has no real tricks, but is tough as nails.

I think you tend to see Taelor in Viktora lists because you've already got 2 Viks, you need a tank more than you need a third. For that reason Taelor does tend to go into my lists before Misaki, and the choice for me is between Misaki and the librarian, as opposed to between Taelor and Misaki.

I think Misaki favors more aggressive play than a Librarian, and I like that. On the other hand the Librarian gives your crew a staying power that it previously lacked, and that's not too shabby either. In addition until people figure out the Librarian is stupid easy to kill, it brings a real psychological boost to the table as well.

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The Librarian is only stupid easy to kill unless she's near Von Schill, then she's damn near invincible so long as you have a ram / ram built in if she activated. Though if you set the Libby to firmly as the fulcrum of your crew, you risk disaster. I think at least one turn per game i'll draw a hand with no rams in it...and it that happens to be a crucial turn where a lot of stuff is going down, it can be very very bad.

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I see not everyone agrees on Misaki's role!

When I said I had success with her for the first time I was specifically referring to her range increase for her spear. It was nice being within my melee range but outside of everyone else. I attempted to draw my opponent out with it, which is something neither Taelor or Victoria could have done in that situation... In fact, in my case I used Misaki as the bait and Taelor as the trap.

However, I'm not saying that reason alone is worth taking her, but it does raise some interesting possibilities...

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I think my post got twisted a bit. When I said they fill the same role, I meant it as a melee model.

Taelor is my tank for missions like Destroy the evidence and the like. She is usually the target of a Kill Protege Scheme, and thanks to the librarian, she is tough as nails. Her minimum damage is very decent, and she ignores armor. Hammerstrike is amazing for Strategies that you have to be close to an objective, or have to use a (2) action.

Misaki is a speedy, guerrilla warfare style, Melee model. She is rather squishy but if you only use her as a support melee then she will survive a lot longer. She can also hold objectives by threatening a large area. Her damage output is almost at the same level of the Viks, by doing her Fire Spell. Foresight is also an ability that lets Misaki play very differently than Taelor, and comes very handy too.

The main drawback with Misaki is the need to play with finesse, and the reliance on certain suits most of the time. Whereas Taelor's strategy usually consists of "Taelor Smash".

Edited by DarcXON
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the only way they can make a model fall back is either jack daw or killjoy or the freikorps specialists "You're Flammable" trigger.

so no its another of their spells that i've never cast (along with another on, and very rarely sisters in battle)

I highly recommend that you start finding ways to use Sisters in Battle. Minimum damage 5 is so good, words fail to describe it.

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That is the only spell on any of the Victoria crew that I have never used.

I've managed to get another Victoria, but only once. Even Taelor's spell I used one time just to keep a guy off an objective.

If you've got a high enough card to cast it, Menace with Taelor is actually quite good in the right circumstances - I rarely cast it with Guild Guards, because the range is short, but if Taelor starts within 6" of a target, but not in melee, she can use Menace to move, stop at the full 3" melee range and then attack the Menaced model. If it survived, unless it also has a 3" melee range (rare) it will be unable to attack...

Sisters in Victory just currently seems far too hard to be worth it offensively - even if you've taken a model that could make enemies fall back, it seems unlikely that it would be worth it for anything other than ganging up on a hard target of opportunity...

I have seen it suggested to use it defensively however - push to your own models that are falling back (to reposition the Viks) and then cheating low on the attacks... Still requires a pretty ideal hand to work well, but is another movement shenanigan that they can pull...

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I highly recommend that you start finding ways to use Sisters in Battle. Minimum damage 5 is so good, words fail to describe it.

I usually have both Viks in melee, so it always comes down to whether I would prefer the extra attack or the buff.

Usually, I run SS heavy so can be pretty sure of hitting and damaging without the buff, and therefore rarely use the spell.

It was pretty useful playing Perdita whenone of the Viks was restricted so she couldn't make move actions. Though 'teleport' was still an option then.

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