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Helghast have invaded Malifaux! - Urbanized Freikorps


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So basically when I saw the freikorps I immediately thought of the helghast from killzone and had to paint them similar to the colour scheme as such, sadly the uploader here the files are way too big so I have to provide photobucket links, comments and such are much appreciated.


















Okay that's all of them, I'll start other threads for my other crews.

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Oh, I almost forgot to mention one key thing, the trapper is using the trash can as leverage to steady his rifle/aim, and the bottles are supposed to be soulstone gin, of which he's drank one already(the one laying down) and hasn't drank the other(the one standing up) just thought it be a bit of a cool little quirk as all.

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Btw for a 35 point list, should I go with the Viktorias as masters use all the freikorps box, and have 4 soulstones in pool, or should I go with Schill as Master with the rest of his crew, have convict gunslinger and hans and no soulstones or have hans and 4 soulstones, or gunslinger and taelor and one stone? Anyone have a good list suggestion?

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