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V2 Cards


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I am sure this is an obvious question that has been answered in many places I have not yet looked.

I am waiting (in the next couple of days I hope) for my first mini's to arrive for purchase at the LGS. I have seen the V1 and V2 cards mentioned numerous times.

So two main questions:

  1. I am hoping that all the new mini packs (box or clam shell) have the V2 cards packed regardless of newer release or older release mini's. Would this be true?
  2. Is there a way to tell apart the V1 cards from the V2 without going online to compare them? I could always stumble on an old pack containing old cards..

I guess while I am asking I will also check if I get old cards can I still redeem them for new ones by sending them somewhere?? I can look up where but wondering if this still is an available service?

Hopefully the older gangs I grab (Ramos is next I think, my first order is Collette) will have V2 cards, assuming they are packed so.

Thank you people, may the dice or card gods bless thee all

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1. I am hoping that all the new mini packs (box or clam shell) have the V2 cards packed regardless of newer release or older release mini's. Would this be true?

All new packs of book 1 models come with V2 cards now. Book 2 models come with V1 cards because there are no V2 for those models. Be aware that some older product with V1 is out there for book 1.

1. Is there a way to tell apart the V1 cards from the V2 without going online to compare them? I could always stumble on an old pack containing old cards..

Lower right hand corner has a small V2 printed on them.

I guess while I am asking I will also check if I get old cards can I still redeem them for new ones by sending them somewhere?? I can look up where but wondering if this still is an available service?

Hopefully the older gangs I grab (Ramos is next I think, my first order is Collette) will have V2 cards, assuming they are packed so.

Colette will all be V1 but they are book 2 so you will be fine. At this point the trade in is over. That being said check with your local henchman if you have one they may have trade in cards. Also any cards that have been changed are available in PDF form on this site under the V2 stat cards on the left of the page. New cards can be bought from the online wyrd store and they are in the works for full faction decks.

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