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Some advice for a noob?


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So, I have fell in love with the Malifaux world and looking forward to learning the rules. So far I have order two crews based on fluff, aesthetics and my wife. I have ordered a Red Chapel crew and a Perdita crew. I also ordered a battlefoam bag, a rule book and two fate decks for the respective crews. I have been diligently trolling the forums and have decided to go ahead and add a few more miniatures for the learning curve options.

For Seamus' crew I'm going with what seems to be tried-and-true advice picking up a Copy Cat totem and Bete Noir.

For Perdita's crew I'm thinking Abuela and a Enslaved Nephilim.

Let me know what you think. Essentially speaking, I'm a generalist when it comes to table-top lists. I enjoy having options and being able to deal with or a chance to counter multiple strategies and lists. I'm certainly not a power-gamer, but do like to win occasionally with sound tactics and a touch of luck.

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Both of your choices are solid in my opinion. Some would say having the enslaved and granny is too many obeys, three obeys is a little excessive, but that just frees up Perdita to take an extra shot.

Now Bete is a great model but takes some pre-thought before bring her out. Keep her buried unless you have the card to save her life by burying her again with her slow to die action.

I know you won't be disappointed with either crew and will get a lot of enjoyment from this game.

Good luck.

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I'm the guy who thinks 3 obeys as excessive. Besides that Abeula us a great model for Perdita.

Guild are your more general faction. Book 1 masters are all built as an anti to one faction. This doesn't mean they are op. For example Perdita is the neverborn hunter she has a lot of abilities along with the ortegas that help her fight neverborn.

Great thing with both crews you got if you want to expand them further just buy another boxset from the same faction. Death marshals are great with Perdita and samurai punks can really help in a red chapel crew. Terms are usually a safe add-on. Also I love the executioner with Perdita all those obeys gets him in the fight faster.

Welcome to the best miniature game out there.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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I'm the guy who thinks 3 obeys as excessive. Besides that Abeula us a great model for Perdita.

You obviously never had an Executioner you needed to marry into the family and then drop on your opponents side of the board to reek havoc. It can come in handy.

More to the point its not 3 obeys, its 3 potential obeys. Both Perdita and Abuela need a suit and a high card to get it off so sometimes its just worth having for the 2nd model to attempt for you.

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Thanks for the advice to all. I'll probably grab these four for my next purchase. Then next month take your advice and pick up a convict gunslinger and 3x belles for my Red Chapel crew and the boxset for the Perdita with the death marshals in it.

I'll post up a PLOG of these two crews as soon as they come in and I get started. Thanks again.

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You obviously never had an Executioner you needed to marry into the family and then drop on your opponents side of the board to reek havoc. It can come in handy.

More to the point its not 3 obeys, its 3 potential obeys. Both Perdita and Abuela need a suit and a high card to get it off so sometimes its just worth having for the 2nd model to attempt for you.

I hold executioner back and I rather like burying executioner in a death marshal and obey the death marshal up. This works best against a heavy melee crew. It is slower but I love mixing the executioner popping out of slow to die model. This also makes the death marshal less a priority because if he pops, out comes the executioner.

It is 3 potential obeys but I don't like to waste the activations of granny on obeys unless I have the card I can cheat with. Her shotgun and healing flips are far better abilities.

These will be 2 really great crews to start with you will learn a lot of rules and some nifty tricks with these 2 crews. Lure is probably one of my favorite spells in the game. Nothing like luring a model into melee range of 2 samurai punks.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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I think 3 is great,, especially if your using Nino... or its great to move the executioner into position and ready to strike. and its nice so when an enemy get to close you can make him regret it.. I had my kill joy obeyed to charge my own rusty Alice...... She died and ruined my day. all those obeys can also be used to move up and take objectives...

But What do i know :P

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Genetic is quite right. Obey is a very powerful,and most importantly intimidating ability for your opponent to face.

What follows is a movie quote.The statements,questions and comments contained within do not reflect upon the poster, wyrd forums or the game of Malifaux. Please do not read if you are going to drive or operate steam-based machinery or constructs. possible side effects include :giggling,maniacal laughing,lower jaw falling off,hands being replaced with claws,fever,brain swelling,rage issues and a serious case of the munchies. Should these symptoms persist,contact your physician or local Ressurectionist recycling center.

But What do i know :P

NOTHING!!! Absolutely NOTHING!!!!!

You so STUPID!!!!

-Kuni,UHF(the part where he is the game show host and the contestant goes for what is in the box)

Edited by Dark Alleycat
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