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test battle, feedback welcome.


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Hullo all

So like many of you, I got sucked into Malifaux because of the amazing figs. But I wanted to get a feel for the game first, so I just bought the (new) rules. My friend and I then set up a game. In order to not make our heads explode, we tried just a master vs. master. faceoff. The masters we chose were Perdita and Pandora.

Granted this is probably not the best way to learn the game (if anyone has a definitive 'for your first game use the figs' I would LOVE to hear it) but we wanted to get some of the concepts under our belts. The actual system of flipping was relatively smooth (flip, choose to replace, choose to add) but what we found happened was the following:

Perdtia: I'm in range I'll do a Peacekeeper Strike

Pandora: "Expose your fears" ability

Perdtia: Ha! I'm immune to WP duels

Pandora: "The Box opens" ability

Perdtia: Crap! Ok, *Willpower duel ensues*, Pandora wins

Pandora: And because I won, I'll now push myself out of 4" back.

Perdtia: Now out of range, walks forward, does a peacekeeper strike...

Ok, now I've little doubt we were doing things wrong, as well, I have little doubt that Perdita had other actions she could have done (though at first glance I couldn't see any) What really concerned both of us was this:

It seemed that the game tended to grind to a halt and become a "I want to do X, but first we have to resolve Y and (sometimes) Z, before I can attempt to do X" By that time, we found the momentum, (ie. oh boy, oh boy, I can't wait to do THIS action) was largely gone.

I as thought 'gee if it's like this with just one fig' I think my head would explode with five or six figs.'

As well, calculating damage seemed a bit tedious, but I'm used to games where defense/armour is just a static number and not really that gets "played". I would hope that calculating damage would get smoother over more plays.

I'm interested in anyone's comments regarding this issue Is it just a new player issue? Is it something that really only came about because of the fluke of choosing Perdita and Pandora in a master vs master duel? Is this just how the game works? (ie. can't do X before doing Y and Z) I'm also really interested in knowing when people demo this game to new players, what gangs they use, as it might be a better way to learn the game.

Thanks for any advice that can be given.

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Hullo all

So like many of you, I got sucked into Malifaux because of the amazing figs. But I wanted to get a feel for the game first, so I just bought the (new) rules. My friend and I then set up a game. In order to not make our heads explode, we tried just a master vs. master. faceoff. The masters we chose were Perdita and Pandora.

Granted this is probably not the best way to learn the game (if anyone has a definitive 'for your first game use the figs' I would LOVE to hear it) but we wanted to get some of the concepts under our belts. The actual system of flipping was relatively smooth (flip, choose to replace, choose to add) but what we found happened was the following:

Perdtia: I'm in range I'll do a Peacekeeper Strike

Pandora: "Expose your fears" ability

Perdtia: Ha! I'm immune to WP duels

Pandora: "The Box opens" ability

Perdtia: Crap! Ok, *Willpower duel ensues*, Pandora wins

Pandora: And because I won, I'll now push myself out of 4" back.

Perdtia: Now out of range, walks forward, does a peacekeeper strike...

Ok, now I've little doubt we were doing things wrong, as well, I have little doubt that Perdita had other actions she could have done (though at first glance I couldn't see any) What really concerned both of us was this:

It seemed that the game tended to grind to a halt and become a "I want to do X, but first we have to resolve Y and (sometimes) Z, before I can attempt to do X" By that time, we found the momentum, (ie. oh boy, oh boy, I can't wait to do THIS action) was largely gone.

I as thought 'gee if it's like this with just one fig' I think my head would explode with five or six figs.'

Damage seemed a bit anti climatic too (I hit! but how well did I hit?) but I'm sure that is something that would become easier in time.

I'm interested in anyone's comments regarding this issue Is it just a new player issue? Is it something that really only came about because of the fluke of choosing Perdita and Pandora in a master vs master duel? Is this just how the game works? (ie. can't do X before doing Y and Z) I'm also really interested in knowing when people demo this game to new players, what gangs they use, as it might be a better way to learn the game.

Thanks for any advice that can be given.

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First off

Perdita did not need to make the WP duel because of her See the Unseen ability

As for the rest of the concerns, Pandora is a bit of a trickier master. You don't tend to get that much interaction in targeting with most models.

The game flow and speed also gets better as you play. It takes a solid few games before you really get into the flow of how everything works.

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ok, little confused here. Perdita's "See the Unseen" ability says the following "This model ignores increase in Rg and Df, and any Duels required from spells or talents to target models."

Pandora "The Box Opens" and "Expose your fears" are both abilities, therefore, are they exempt?

Oi, having flash backs to playing Magic.

Regardless, more interested to know if the "Y and Z before X goes off" if emblematic of the game or just something we stumbled across. Thanks for the feedback Nilus!

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I would say yes those types of interactions do sometimes happen (generally for me with a master vs master matchup), but do not fear, I've played a total of 5 games, and can confidently say that since I've started, I don't even get bothered by momentum shifts or "resolve X, before doing 6, and make sure to watch out for !?!!". Stay the course, it'll get better Also try playing a "full" game (i.e. 20-30 soul stones).

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ok, little confused here. Perdita's "See the Unseen" ability says the following "This model ignores increase in Rg and Df, and any Duels required from spells or talents to target models."

Pandora "The Box Opens" and "Expose your fears" are both abilities, therefore, are they exempt?

No, a talent is a subset of abilities. So she ignored the duel from expose your fears.

The Box opens is not involved since Immune to influence only comes in to effect when Perdita is the defender.

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Thanks for clearing that up, Nilus. Do any of you have recommendations for a good "beginner" game? Not really worried about figs because we are just using counters until we decide if we like the game or not. I noticed that Nilus is a "henchmen" when you are introducing people to game, what gangs do you use?

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For beginners I like

Lady Justice vs Seamus

Perdita vs Lilith

There have been other threads floating around here for other good beginner lists. I think LJ vs Seamus is a really good beginner match.

Nilus, thanks very much for that recommendation, to clarify though, do you mean you just use those two figs or that you use the two boxed sets they are associated with?

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