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Cool mini or not in theory is awesome but in practice it doesn't work the way it should . Also you have to keep in mind the best of the best post there on a regualr basis and people who troll those sites one think there pro critics and , two use the top stuff as a basis to judge when really they are on a separate class of there own .

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I know they are harsh over there but seeing that hit me like a brick. I even told my wife when I was putting her up that exact thing. I know I dont have the best stuff in the world. I put Collette together looked at her for my goal of being able to put her in a local shop painting contest and not be ashamed. I dont think she would win I know there are much better painters but eh tabletop after painting minis for war games for around 10 years now was hard to see.

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Eh I supose I could try a new photo and post it up after a bit. Thinking I should not take them so close as well. The super zoom effect on my photos makes even the most tiny mistake stand out. After looking at my photo I cant help looking at her arm. The paint from the arm goes up just a tiny bit on the sleave. When I look at it all I see is that stupid tiny part I never noticed before the picture.

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