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Malifaux: my crew idea: The Kythera Occult


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Kythera Occult, crew idea

The Kythera has always interested me I think there should be a crew set around the fluff of it because I personally think its an amazing bit of fluff.

As I understand the ‘Kythera’ is some sort of giant temple like living robot that has sunk under the bayou centuries before well everything in malifuax.

It cries out for a bunch of psychos to worship it like a god, even if they don’t quite know what the Kythera is they still worship it, at the end of the day its no doubt best left buried under the bayou anyway.

Crew should have some sort of Kythera High Priest as the master; the minion could be like a tribe of cast offs and Nutters who fabricate weapons and armor from pieces the grand machine and fight for the reasons the Mayan’s did for land and sacrifices for there god because it’s a pretty big you want to keep on its good side.

“Til Gran Kythera Dow!”

let us know what you think boys and girls?

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since kythera is the place were the old gods of malifaux god were trapped and it also is the place where death and the ressers get their powers from and its in the bayou, i believe the would be something like the december acolytes (crazy people with a lust for flesh)

but give them something like poisoned blades.

and you have to give them something special.

the master would be like a crazy high priest. who can draw power from kythera and sap some powers from the gods inside it.

a frost spell (december)

a control/seduction spell (the woman with the snakes)

a ressurection spell (death)


also since they are corrupted by the bayou and kythera their weapons would be poisoned.

i beleive they would be a more stealthy/fast crew

they are not amongst the living, but are not death either,

they lack their emotions because they are controlled by the kythera gods, so the kythera crew has the heartless characteristic

heartless: this model is immune to moral duels and cannot be the target of terrifying ability

and some other things

making a complete crew, based on some fluff that has only a little part in the world of malifaux is not so aesy :P

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