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Of Vampires, Cults and the 47

Sliver Chocobo

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This is a simple prologue to a story arc for some Fan fiction I have in mind

I know I’m taking liberties with the story, but I’m calling artistic licence on this, so :tongue2: to you


Ever since the closure of the original breach to Malifaux, many people started to suffer unusual symptoms, such as an aversion to Natural Light, elongated canine teeth and a lust for human blood, many gained physical, mental and sometimes magic strength. These people also needed a steady amount of blood either animal or human or they slowly transform into savage monsters. To most the people became less than human driven out to become outcasts or just simply killed.

However with the reopening of the breach, many went to Malifaux in search of freedom only to exploited and oppressed for and because of there abilities, they were forced to were masks to hide there faces, showing everyone around them for what they truly are. At the end of every week the vampires must report to a guild office where they are given blood to feed on and to report on everything they have done.

Any Vampire capable of immediately magic is force into guild custody, never to be seen again. With the belief that all vampires somehow connected to the vampiric nephilim, suspicion of vampires is worse than that earth side. The only two institutes willing to hire Vampires is the Guild ran order of the Black sun, an organisation led a Count Dracula, looking into the origins of Vampires and a possible cure, but many believe it to be a cover for a darker truth.

Another Employer of vampires is Victor Ramos, who believes in treating the Vampires as equals to humans, whether or not he is doing this to powerful allies into the Arcanist movement is unknown, but it is working. A great numbers of vampires have also been pulled by whispers of December into his cannibalistic cult, in hopes of finding somewhere that they belong.

With quarantine zone filled vampire mercenary, undead vampires and there’re necrotic masters, both human and vampire, and rabid vampires, a new player has risen calling all vampires together under one banner her name Selena Nosferatu.

The cult

Everyone has heard of the cult, whispers, rumours have been passed from generation to generation of a secret cult that worships beings from beyond the stars, keeping there collective knowledge in a single book of forbidden secrets, the Necronomicon, a book bound in human flesh and written in blood and with the power raise the dead

The 47

After the guild rose to power they built 47 floating artificial floating cities in the Pacific Ocean to act as trading post and resting points for those travailing across the ocean. With many people living at these floating cities pirating of soulstones was predictable, but with the reopening of the breach what wasn’t the complete disappearance of everyone from GPFC-38 in the south Pacific near the Antarctic many blamed the pirates, but with total disappearance and no signs of a struggle, many believe that horrors of Malifaux have split into earth’s seas. They have no idea how wrong they are.

Also there might be possibly be a cameo by my favourite Princess, but I’m not promising anything yet :D

(if she lets me)

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The Scared Lands

No one know what Tragidity belfell these lands, From the gaping chasms the dead trees, the flouting Moutains and the Lightning burts between the black clift faces. We only know the after effects, the land is broken and Scared because of it a great number of creatures frozen in there last moments. Foverever fossilised in soulstone holding there last living seconds for all eternity, the horrorified looks on their faces is enough to drive most soulstone hunters insane. Anyone foolish enough to attampt to steal any of the soulstones has never been seen again, but some say that they have been joined the dead there frozen in Soulstone for all time.

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The Black Rock Clan

The Black Rock Clan is one of the feared out of all the Gremlin families. The Gremlins themselves nothing more than a mindless drunken rabble, their leader, Solomon is smart and ruthless. A skilled necromancer and a master of Voodoo this Gremlin has been known to enslave Nepilim, raise his fallen family as part of his army of undead or use them to construct voodoo mud-creatures. It is also rumoured that he is connected to the group known as the Resurrectionist, but no one has been able to confirmed that.

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The thirteen Angels

Many adventurers have claimed to have found a number artefacts suggesting that earth isn't the only world to come into contact with Malifaux. All of them have proven to be unreliable, faked or a more exotic item native to Malifaux. However a fabled stone tablet in the middle of a small forest in the bayou, tells of creature with giant wings and maw of tenticals tried to invade Malifaux from a city of Atlantis a city on the other side of a scar in the world but was defeated by the thirteen angels of Malifaux.

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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