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Black is Back! Final Part

Absolution Black

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Final Part. As before, you will need to have read the first three parts to have any clue what’s going on!

It was almost an hour later when he opened the door to the house where he rented a room. It was a non descript building in Downtown Malifaux, with a landlord that asked no questions provided the rent appeared on time. It was perfect for Blacks’ needs. He shut the front door behind him, checking as he always did for any signs of intruders of any persuasion. Satisfied, he made his way up the wooden staircase to the landing above, the flicker of the oil lamps casting dancing shadows across the walls.

He crossed to his door and laid his ear against the wood. He detected two people inside and smiled. He turned the handle and slid through a small gap in the door, pushing it silently to behind him. His apartment was small, but suited his needs. Under the curtained window was the large bed, though he hardly ever spent any time resting whilst he was here. A fire was already roaring in the large Fireplace, casting an orange glow around the room, filling it with warmth.

He nodded at the man heating a kettle over the roaring flames and his coachman returned the gesture. Black had known Abernathy for over twenty years now, ever since Black was a young teen. Abernathy had been his father’s servant back in the Empire and on his sudden death, Abernathy had been by Blacks' side ever since. Now in his fifties, the rigours of life had started to show on his features, his face was wrinkled around the eyes (laughter lines he said, though their recent history had given them little to laugh about).

Black threw his jacket over the back of a wooden chair to the side of the doorway. Lydia occupied the remaining chair, leaning her arm on the rickety table in front of her. She had obviously cleaned herself up as the streaks of make up had disappeared, along with the blood around her mouth, though she still had a nasty cut under her lower lip. She looked worried as he walked into the room, as if she feared for her life. Then he caught a glimpse of himself in the large mirror above the fireplace. He was covered in blood and he realised she had actually been concerned for him.

“Its not mine”. He said, ripping the shirt from his body and tossing it on the fire.

“That’ll cover up that indiscretion, should anyone come sneaking”.

He noticed her looking at him intently, staring at the criss-cross of scars across his upper body. Old wounds from times where he had not been so lucky. He smiled and poured some of the boiling water from the kettle into a basin. He began to wash off the dry blood from his face and hands, grateful to get the stench from under his nose, the stench that could trigger his rage.

“Are they……?” She couldn’t finish the question.

“Dead?”. He rubbed his face in a fresh cloth, drying the skin. “Yes, and unfortunately, I’m likely to join them soon”.

“He won’t give up you know, he’ll keep looking for me…and now you”.

“I know. I will just have to be ready”.

He poured the remaining hot water into a pot and stirred in some tea-leaves. Then he poured the liquid through a strainer into two mugs, handing one to her as he sat opposite.

He signalled to Abernathy who nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind him. Black slid the four deadbolts across after his friend had left. He returned to the seat and took a swig from the mug, cursing as it burnt his lips. Lydia giggled. To Black it sounded like honey, like a babbling brook. He hadn’t heard such a beautiful sound in years. He felt sadness wash over him as he realised he may never hear that sound again after tonight.

“You need to lie low for a while. You will stay here”. He growled.

“Cassandra and the Mistress can look after me, I’ll be fine at the Star”. She spun the mug around slowly on the table before her.

“They think they can, but they won’t be able to. I’m not the only specialist the Dometelli’s know”.

“But me being here, it will put you in danger”.

“Girl, I’m always in danger. Besides they know who I am, and I just cheated them out of a lot of money…….and you”.

He looked straight across the table at her, noticing how the firelight made her even more beautiful than he had seen before. It had been a long time since……..her. He shook his head, and broke the spell. It was no good getting in deep again, it caused too much heartache the last time.

“Besides”, he laughed, “I like having you around. You’ve made life more interesting already”.

She smiled.

“I don’t know you, only that you saved my life….after kidnapping me first! Why should I trust you over mistress?”.

“You shouldn’t. But I am the only one who can keep you safe until…….until I can dispose of the problem”.

She turned away then and he knew she realised what ‘disposing of the problem’ meant. He would have to take out the entire Dometelli clan for either of them to be safe, so they could walk down the street without looking over their shoulders. He realised he had probably made her life a hell of a lot worse. She would have been better off dead.

He watched her rise from the chair and grab the wet cloth from the basin. She came over to him and without ceremony sat on his lap, bringing the damp cloth up to his cheek.

“You missed a bit” she said, dabbing at his flesh with the rag. His eyes caught hers, and he saw the hope reflected in her pupils, the caring, the desire.

She kissed his lips, and much to his surprise he found himself kissing her back, his arm reaching around her to hold her close. She felt good, tasted sweet and he began to lose himself in the moment. His fingers found her buckles and soon the corset fell to the floor. He swept her up and carried her over to the bed, letting an emotion other than anger fuel him now………………


I Hope you have enjoyed this introduction. Please leave comments, bad or good. If there is an interest I will continue the story of Black and his companions. Well, I will continue it anyway, but if you want me to post it here let me know!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Hayzel! I know you probably want a bit more neverborn action in them, but who knows what delights will come in future episodes!

So I guess you like Book 1, Theres two parts of Book 2 to read so far, then another two to post (well, write first!).

I have big plans for Black. And his motley crew! In fact there are others to add to it, but probably not until Book 2,Part 4 or maybe book 3!!


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