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A little help with Perdita and mostly Hamlin

Sliver Chocobo

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I got idea for a Perdita crew that I want try out, but I don't know how to use Hamlin at all, I know he has obey, but i don't know what else he can do (I know what abilites he has, but don't use them effectively)

the 40ss list goes as followed

Perdita Ortega

Enslaved Nephilim

Ophelia Lacroix

Abula Ortega

Francisco Ortega (or should i take the 5 soulstones?)


Nino Ortega

This adds up 40 points exactly

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This list has a bunch of obey's but what exactly are you doing with the obeys? It looks like you're mostly making Nino shoot extra times?

You need some more solid offense in it I think.

I would be obeying Ophelia mostly, even with out gremlins she's pretty harass and dumb I can do some sold damage with dumb and lucky as well hitting squeal every time and don't forget Abula can turn the little Gremlin into an Ortega

About Hamlin apart from making me able to hire Ophelia and Obley, can he do anything else?

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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don't forget Abula can turn the little Gremlin into an Ortega

Nope. She can only wed Perdita with a non-Unique living model. Perdita is not that much into Gremlin chicks ;P.

I'm not sure if Ophelia is really that great in a Guild Crew. She is very expensive at 9 SS and Guild has plenty of cheaper models with deal as much damage (remember almost everyone has Critical Strike). Ophelia loses the benefits of all her abilities which buff Gremlins (and she seems to pay a lot for those).

You could take two 4 SS models for her cost which should be just as effective as Ophelia. Or you could take Papa Loco who is absolutely brutal with four models casting Obey on him: fling him all the way up board and blow him up in the middle of the opposing Crew for maximum carnage.


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Nope. She can only wed Perdita with a non-Unique living model. Perdita is not that much into Gremlin chicks ;P.

I'm not sure if Ophelia is really that great in a Guild Crew. She is very expensive at 9 SS and Guild has plenty of cheaper models with deal as much damage (remember almost everyone has Critical Strike). Ophelia loses the benefits of all her abilities which buff Gremlins (and she seems to pay a lot for those).

You could take two 4 SS models for her cost which should be just as effective as Ophelia. Or you could take Papa Loco who is absolutely brutal with four models casting Obey on him: fling him all the way up board and blow him up in the middle of the opposing Crew for maximum carnage.


Shame I can't turn Ophelia into an Ortega

My experience with most of cheaper guild models other than Franciso, is that the're verry good at missing and dying and the more expencive models are better with other Masters. Papa loco is one shot model and Santiago just seems to die, a lot, Ophelia might cost two more but she is more accurate has +2 Df, which makes a BIG difference and dumb and lucky is arguable better than crit:rams

Might need to try this out to see if i'm right

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I can definetely see where Ophelia can be brutal with a bunch of Obeys on her. she can give herself :rams on cb and :masks on df and not worry about dragging gremlins around. not to mention she has the ever brutal "between the eyes" spell. But with all those extra attacks it's going to be hard to resist triggering double damage all the time so you will need a way to heal her or she won't last very long even though you only take 1 wd from each doubling.

And I would agree that dumb and lucky is better than critical strike. she gives herself the :rams and only takes a single wd. not that big of a deal on weak dmg, but when you hit mod and severe it's nasty

Edited by JayBarlekamp
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Shame I can't turn Ophelia into an Ortega

My experience with most of cheaper guild models other than Franciso, is that the're verry good at missing and dying and the more expencive models are better with other Masters. Papa loco is one shot model and Santiago just seems to die, a lot, Ophelia might cost two more but she is more accurate has +2 Df, which makes a BIG difference and dumb and lucky is arguable better than crit:rams

Might need to try this out to see if i'm right

Don't forget Use Soulstone! She is a henchmen after all.

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