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List advice for Seamus.

Dark Alleycat

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Ok..my local game store is putting together a league and its going from 20 soul stones,up to 30,35,40 each week.

So since they will be selecting the missions and possibly one of the two schemes each game,I want to try and get a all comers,general use list.

for 20.

2 Belles

Copycat Killer


4 SS cache

for 25

2 Belles

Copycat Killer



3 SS cache

for 30

2 Belles



Convict Gunslinger

4 SS cache (Or would it be better to keep taking the copycat and have a small SS cache?)

for 35

3 Belles



Convict Gunslinger

Punk Zombie

2 SS cache

and if it is a Brawl,bringing Nicodem as my second master.

I know the 40 point will be a Brawl..

So Nicodem and Seamus


3 Belles

2 Hanged

Convict Gunslinger.

5 SS cache.

If you guys see any holes in this set up let me know. I could use all the advice i can get.

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Honestly, in most of those builds, I would keep taking the Copycat killer for it's Magical Extension ability. If you use it properly, having another casting of Undead Psychosis every turn is priceless.

I'm not 100% convinced that you need to take the Convict Gunslinger or the Hanged, but I can see what each can bring to the crew. I would not take both and I would tell you to instead take more Belles.

Also a matter of my personal oppinion, I feel as if your Cache of stones is too small in every list here.

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I really don't think I would field a Hanged at 20ss, I might drop it for a Convict Gunslinger or a Belle.

I would probably avoid Sybelle in your 25ss, I've yet to see her be worth her salt, I think another Belle and 2ss would probably be more effective. OK you she allows you to activate everything together, but most of the time that leaves you at a disadvantage anyway.


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I would probably avoid Sybelle in your 25ss, I've yet to see her be worth her salt, I think another Belle and 2ss would probably be more effective. OK you she allows you to activate everything together, but most of the time that leaves you at a disadvantage anyway.

I found it to be killer against the Freikorp. If you get the initative and are able to start luring before Von Schill gets his Wp bonuses up on his troops you can rock them.

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As a counter point to Ratty, I've come to rely and trust in my Sybelle as the corner stone of my Belle force. The combination of Lure, Call belle, Chain-activating belles off of Seamus and a well targeted Undead Psychosis or two can leave your opponent in a situation where you effectively neutralize the opposing force before their first activation.

And as a Bonus, Rough Trade on her Riding crop has always made me smile, especially when the opponent flubs the WP duel and doesn't think it's worth it to cheat (Or just can't).

I don't usually play 20 point games, but I usually have Sybelle, the CCK, and a few belles hanging around and I try to keep my Cache at least 6. Larger games...well...I don't usually choose my crew before I know my strategy...and Local meta is that we announce faction but not master before we flip for strategy, so if it's one that I'm better off bringing McMourning or Nicodem to, I use those instead...

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I had been thinking about combos.

a Belle and Seamus.

a Belle and Convict Gunslinger.

a Belle and a Punk Zombie

a Belle and Sebastion.

This would give the list a good amount of combat potential,which is about the only thing Seamus lists tend to be light on.

Now a question,when you use two masters,do you get both soulstone cache's?

*giggles maniacly*

4 belles,sebastian,convict gunslinger,Hanged,copycat killer.Seamus and Nicodem.

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I believe it is Totem and Seamus. Seamus then activates Sybelle. Sybelle when she activates companions any Belles within 6". The Belles go immediately after Seamus so the order is

Totem > Seamus > Belles and Sybelle in any order


Seamus > Belles and Sybelle in any order > Totem.

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Except, that's the opposite of what Companion says...

Let me copy-paste the Companion rules, using Sybelle and the Belle as an example:

Companion (Sybelle):

When activating the Rotten Belle, if it is within 6” of Sybelle, this model and Sybelle within 6” receive Simultaneous Activation. Complete this model’s activation before continuing to Sybelle's activation.

The way it reads on the forum, people do it the other way around, but it's pretty clear from the RAW that a totem activates, and then he companions the master into activating, and not vice versa. If this is not the intent, then the rule really needs to be written differently.

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Erm, no...? "Complete this model's activation before continuing to (model)'s activation", the last line in my "quote".

If you have Family, and they all have Family, you get to pick, obviously, creating a unit (though it seems you need to declare when the first activates, because all activate immediately, so to speak?), but with Rotten Belles, they companion Sybelle. Sybelle doesn't companion Rotten Belles, thus, you activate 1 Rotten Belle, who will Companion Sybelle. There's nothing allowing you to activate the other Rotten Belles, since they're not companioned by the first, neither by Sybelle.

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Erm, no...? "Complete this model's activation before continuing to (model)'s activation", the last line in my "quote".

If you have Family, and they all have Family, you get to pick, obviously, creating a unit (though it seems you need to declare when the first activates, because all activate immediately, so to speak?), but with Rotten Belles, they companion Sybelle. Sybelle doesn't companion Rotten Belles, thus, you activate 1 Rotten Belle, who will Companion Sybelle. There's nothing allowing you to activate the other Rotten Belles, since they're not companioned by the first, neither by Sybelle.

You don't activate to use companion. Companion gets used when you are deciding who to activate. I believe that it goes like this. I'm starting with the Belle 1 and Sybelle, does one of these models have companion, YES.. Belle 1 and Sybelle are now in the Companion Group. next you would go I choose Sybelle and Belle 2, does one of these models have companion, Yes. Belle 2 joins the group. So now you have a group of Belle 1, Belle 2 and Sybelle. The important thing is as the Belles don't have companion Belle, they must all be within 6" of Sybelle to join the group.

Once you have created the companion group, then you may activate in any order.

have a read through this.


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