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Howdy from Pilsen!


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Hi everyone from Pilsen, city of Beer,Czech republic, Middle Europe!

I´m 25, been playing W40K and Mordheim. Recently, Malifaux and Infinity are starting here, so I decided to try - and, hell, it´s much more funny and logical than the old "3 to hit, 4 to wound" Warhammer...I love the setting, the rules are nice, minis as well..I gave this game a chance and I hope, it will spread...

My collection of minis is growing quite rapidly,it´s very, very addictive..

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Hi, Katcher,

I didn't introduce myself already, but as a matter of fact, I'm here in pilsen too, at the moment for a studying semester abroad.

Maybe we could meet for a game sometimes? I will be here until february, 15. It would be awesome to play again, I wasn't able to do anything since my leave in Germany in september.


Edited by Iarumas
Misspelling the name
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Larumas : OK, send me ICQ / PM message and we can talk about some time,but I´m newbie.

Xango : Another WH burn out?

Situation in Czech rep. is quite funny..Everybody just plays Warhammer games, some Mordheimers, BFG´s ...and that´s all, folks.

You have quite a lot retailers for these games, but only one shop (combined with game club) sells Malifaux and Infinity, and it was after one individual (Jedi, henchman for Prague) asked them so. He asked about 8? 9? shops and everywhere he heard : NO!

Malifaux and Infinity players are considered "Alternative", "rebellic" or "hippies" :D Lot of flamewars...

So we do a lot of work to show, that these games are funny, not se expensive and good. And we did quite a work..

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Yeah, it's quite funny, seems like everyone used to play Warhammer/ 40K.

In fact, it's a great game.

I thought about returning to it, too, but then I saw the new Skaven. I have about 3000 points at home, but with the new rules, I can use about half of it. Why has a game to be changed so dramatically. Was it so bad before? I think that's the main problem with it. It's great as it is, but it's more like a CCG in renewal cycles. And that's quite expensive.

I'm really glad there are so many good tabletops right now, in fact, I started to play 4 different over the last year. All of them are great, but I must say that Malifaux is something very special.

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Larumas : We have a "private" game club in Pilsen (Fénix), lot of Warhammerers eager to play..

And no, it wasn´t bad. But you need to sell more models, don´t you? And yes, skaven are a bit insane in this edition. Unbreakable clanrats with morale 10, 2 Abbies and so on, and so on.

The thing, that Warhammer changes and changes is not good..

With "alternative" tabletops, in Pilsen you can meet Malifaux,Infinity, we are starting with Ambush Alley / Zombie alley and somewhere I have also some FoW.

But Malifaux would be propably be the main punch :)

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Larumas, exactly that is why i drop GW 4 years ago, i still have like 8 expensive books that are useless now, i started 3 games last year (infinity, malifaux and okko) and i am really happy with them, recently heavy gear blitz caught my attention cause i have always wanted a 15mm game, so i will go for it as soon as my wallet recovers.

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