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  • 3 months later...

Well I intended to have the rest of Nicodem's Crew done three months ago...but I hit a road block in the shape Fallout New Vegas, and Dragon Age 2...so my brushes got a little dusty:)

Here is the updated crew...




Punk Zombies




Undertaker's Lot



thanks for taking a look:)

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Thanks guys:)

@Hansel-I think gloss is really only bad for photos. In person you don't notice the gloss near as much and it gives a good solid coat to the miniature. When I go for matte finish to me it mutes the colors. These guys I wanted to draw light on the table gloss does that. I have post up of the Seamus & McMourning's crew prior to varnish and they look way better but for protection and the fact that (my opinion) gloss brightens the miniature rather than mutes it.

I think I paint pretty decent and have a good sense of color...but I ain't Eric Johns or Bobby Wong, so it's cool if they are little glossy cause it's not so much a display miniature...so to me it just works as a decent trade off:)...I hope that made sense it's really just a matter of taste

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