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Another Question about Marcus' Feral


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I have looked in the FAQ and errata as well as looking at older posts, but couldn't find an answer to my question so have brought it here.

If Marcus casts Feral on an enemy model with the abilities to summon/raise/create new units, which he then activates with

Alpha and subsequently summons new models with, Who is the controlling player of these models?

And IF the answer is Marcus, does this control only remain for that turn, or until the end of the game?

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I believe it would be whoever summoned them.

When you take control of something, that one thing is yours to command for an activation, it isn't really carried over to anything else unless an ability says otherwise.

Maybe controlling a victoria or something...I dunno...

As for your question, no...I don't think you'd gain control of the summoned models therefore...you'd be doing them a favor.

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The reason I asked is that I play vs a friend who plays Resurrectionists a lot and is fond of Sebastian. So if I cast Feral, and Alpha on Sebastian while he has body parts, and use that activation to summon one or two Canine Remains, would I be the controlling player? If at all, would I be in control of them for just that turn, or the remainder of the game?

Also, does Wyrd read and comment in this forum, or just other players and fans? As I was hoping for clear ruling, rather than just players opinion. That said, all opinions are welcome :)


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