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Flesh Construct (extra corpse counters?)


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Hello all. I am new to this game. About 3 weeks in. I will probably be asking a lot of rules questions over the next couple weeks, so please bear with me and my ignorance.

The Flesh Construct is an undead model. If it is killed, it will generate 2 corpse counters if a graverobber is in play. On the card it has an ability called Undead Construct. It states, "When killed, this model generates 2 Corpse Counters and no Scrap Counters."

1. Does this model generate 4 Corpse counters (2 from each part) total or 2?

2. If it generates 2 counters, why is this restricted? Is this an application of the Equivalency Rule? Is this just redundancy?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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It's a construct and unliving, a construct in general creates scrap and an unliving creates corpse counters. In any situation where there is a conflict like this between Construct and Unliving, it will say what is dropped. EG Steampunk Abominations drop either Scrap or Corpse at the controllers discretion.

It has nothing to do with the ROE which covers counters generated by Talents as a reaction to a death. TBH you will rarely need to bother about equivalence at the moment, it actually rarely comes into play and is very complicated. If you are interested look at page 13 or 14 of the Rule of Equivalence thread where Kel gives a more in depth and clearer wording on the rule.

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