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Talos' Malifaux log


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I have decided to make a log to help me paint all my models.

So far I have finished:

Sonnia Criid- Box set

Nino & Santigo

2 Guild Guard & an Austringer

I am now starting on a Lady J box set before finishing the rest of the family. By then I hope I will have Lucius to paint.

I have already posted some of these on these forum a while ago. But thought it would be good to have them all in one place.

Sonnia Criid-box set


Austringer (picture taken before I finished the Falcon)


Santigo ( I have lost one of his arms :( )


A proxy lawyer I made out of a Dark ages models.


WIP Lady J ( I saw one on here painted white and liked, forgot who it was)


Tomorrow I hope to finish Lady J's skin and hair and fix up her boots then she is done. Going to then start on the Death Marshals and thinking of a basing theme for the crew.

Edit: I have resized and cropped my pictures but for some reason the post is still showing the old ones. Maybe it will change at some point.

Edited by Talos
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Very cool. I like the purple theme on Sonnia. That's not one I've seen before.

The pics look cropped/sized just fine to me. Sometimes your browser's cache won't update when you change the images, and so it will look different to someone else who loads the page for the very first time, but for you, your browser is just using the photos that it had already cached instead of re-loading the new ones. I had the same issue on my WIP thread.

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Thanks guys as soon as I got Sonnia I knew I wanted to do her in purple and black.

Done a tiny bit more work on Lady J. But mostly I have gotten my first Death Marshal done, he still needs a few more highlights but happy with the scheme so just primed my other two. Hope to get the basecoat done today on them, then can try and finish them tomorrow.

Here is a quick picture of him next to Lady J. Will take a better picture when both are finished.

I am looking for some custom bases to bases these guys but I cant find any I like, you guys have any suggestions.


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Been a while since I have had time to pick up a paint brush. Decided to start work on my Lucius boxset, this is long overdue. Got the next few days free so plan is to get start on my 55 ss for a tourny that is coming up.

Here is a work in progress shot of Ryle and a Lawyer.


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