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Looking for UK gamers


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Well i've been collecting malifaux for a couple of weeks now and really wana give the game a go (against someone other than my girlfiend that is,i'm sure she just humours me) So was wondering if there's any other malifaux players in Somerset, UK preferebly near casstle cary.

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As above, but also there is a group playing out of Yeovil (Witch Engine). However myself and Amarel play up in Wells most Thursdays Nights which is probably easier to get to from yours. We have a small group of around 5 keen Malifauxians and trying to get more people involved. If you need any more information, PM either myself or Amarel.

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well, there's Triple Helix at Westbury, but only a couple of us have Malifaux stuffs :(

Wargaming@Radstock is good but may need advance notice (unless you wanna give me a hammering into the ground :lol: ) :)

gav gav gav gav gav gav gav gav. :) Or my dear fellow freund you can come allll the way to good ol brizzle, and come to cut and thrust in old market. Its awesome! :D (mainly cuz im there) (im their mascot) mwhahahah!

Hope to see you soooooooon!


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  • 4 weeks later...
gav gav gav gav gav gav gav gav. :) Or my dear fellow freund you can come allll the way to good ol brizzle, and come to cut and thrust in old market. Its awesome! :D (mainly cuz im there) (im their mascot) mwhahahah!

Hope to see you soooooooon!


Seconded. I've been meaning to turn up more, totally rammed at work over christmas D: and I'm possibly the least organized human being on the face of the earth. Will be popping back to Yeovil to orchestrate rescue for some of my lists, as they were all kindof shop property. I'll be damned if I don't get my Levi stuffs back though. Is it still thursdays at cut & thrust where everything happens? should pop down next week if I can get hold of my crap. <3

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