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Dark Eldar Blog


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Dark Eldar were my army since they first came out in 98, and they served me all the way through high school.

Now that they have new models, I have to get an army together for nostalgia alone, not to mention that I love playing them. So, in hopes of maybe motivating myself to keep working, I am starting this blog.

If it gets to any real length I'll put links to any pics in this post.

Edited by Justin
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looking cool so far, more pics or it didnt happen.

But it...hasn't happened yet. Except for the venom that is. I kind of want to take some picks of the raider kit, I imagine not everyone is going to play dark eldar and it's a pretty neat kit. Longest instruction manual for any GW model I've ever seen.

I would like to just put it together, but I kind of used both rudders that come with it on the venom. So now I need another raider to finish my first raider. Whoops.

Fantastic...very clean.

very nice assembly, very clean too lol I do agree

Thanks. It's obviously just mostly an eldar vyper. But I'm rather happy with the way the tail and wings turned out.

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