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35ss Leviticus


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Heyo all, I'm getting ready for a few big games tomorrow and I thought I'd get some advice on the list i'm planning on using. I feel pretty secure with it for the most part, but suggestions from more experience players is always welcome.



Bette Noir

4 SPAs

My main concern are the SPAs. I think I'll likely be making enough throughout the game to not need them at the start, but I'm not really sure what else to throw in. Killjoy maybe and a couple SPAs? Let's here some advice! Thanks ahead of time!

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Some will tell you that SPA's in the beginning are amazing. Others will say they are rubbish in the beginning and your better off creating them. What is comes down to is that it's a good idea to play a few games with and without them to see if you like either.

Now considering you told us your going to be playing these games tomorrow, there's only so much advice we might be able to give. I, for one, am not a seasoned Levi player. Though, he is my main Master. I can't really speak for your list as I am not one who uses SPA's in the beginning, nor have I played with Bete because there's a few other models I like to use out of the ba-jillion you can choose from with Leveticus.

Jack Daw, Killjoy, The Hanged, Teddy, Necropunks, and Punk Zombies.

Jack - because he really has quite a bit of synergy with Levi and Alyce and his drawbacks really aren't that bad when you think about them. Killjoy - is just a tank used to force your opponent to concentrate on the big scary model, while Levi works his magic. The Hanged - work well but for the most part I just like them so I use them whenever I can. Teddy - .. well he's just fun to play and he's so fluffy (obviously Jack or Bete are a better choice for 9ss ;)) Necro's - for objectives and Punk Zombies - for nice well rounded 5ss models.

Phew, sorry that's so long. Haven't posted in awhile. But that's just my two cents. :)

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My friend uses this list, and it's been giving me fits:



Ashes and Dust

4 SPA's

Such a tough list. First turn the SPA's turbo up the board with their little drag and pop the dosolation engine in my face, followed closely by A&D. I just don't have the hitting power to deal with both soon enough. And even if I can get a few notches out of the engine, it just munches one of my guys and heals up.

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I've tried using that list, and using the Burn-out on either of the DE Train or the A&D is amazing. Recently, for Slaughter, I went with the following:

Jack Daw -9

Hanged x2 -8x2 (16)

Necropunks x2 -3x2 (6)

Leaves 4 Stones for Levi. You rush Jack Daw forwards, and use severed ties to set up a model for Levi to murder in the face. You can pretty easily murder masters this way, even.

Pros: Hard to kill, great damage.

Cons: Few models, slow speed, bad coverage.

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the list im running at 35 ss is



4 spa's

jack daw

rottan bell

i like to start with spas because im lazzy and i prefer to no were i stand, in most games i end up makeing about 5 but i some of them are from the de so i prefer to know that i have a de rathere than risk it

alyce is almost an auto include in a levi list, if you dont take her you arnt goign to automaticly lose but she makes things run smothe and gives support to levi on the battle fiald

jake is amazing, tying things up buy pulling them in and then stoping them leav his melee range or using his othere spell to cripple masters

rotten bells are worth 4 ss for there lure alone in a levi list, peaple trying to skirt you and stay just out of your range to rush you next turn get owned by the lure

when the a&d comes out im going to give him a go but im happy with my list at the minute

ow as a side note, if your doing tornys cheack first as lots dont allow jack cus hes "broken"

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I'm the one playing the list Werecat posted earlier. I'm not exactly an experienced Leveticus player, with only about six or seven games to my name, but I've had nothing but good luck with that list. Some games didn't go my way (some growing pains first learning Levi, a couple flips that managed to kill A&D -and- the Core in the same activation before I could do anything) but in general if the flips go my way it steamrolls. I usually turbo my SPAs up the field first turn and then with the last activation in the group I drop the Engine. I honestly wouldn't even try to make enough SPAs to try to put an Engine on the table, so I can't imagine starting with less than four since I've found having the Engine is ALWAYS important to my crew and the sacrificing the SPAs in order to summon it works out better since my opponent has had a habit of chipping away at A&D.

A&D himself has been shockingly valuable. He's a lot more durable than he looks since he has a few different ways to heal, and Hard to Wound 2 means he's generally taking weak damage, plus Contort gets him out of trouble pretty easily. That CB 7 with his excellent damage potential, Fast, and ability to pump out SPAs without having to hit a crow or have Levi's spell go off first has been great at keeping my opponent honest with his front line models. Dominate Abomination has been useful for putting the last points of damage on models that the Engine somehow failed to kill, or for dropping Ice Pillars before the Engine activates so he can move through them, or whatever. I will say that I have found that the ability to resurrect it is more theoretical than anything, because I rarely have the ability to fish the Core out of danger and into range of the Dust Storm before my opponent activates something else to finish it off, so I always make sure that if I'm trading A&D it's for something that's really important to my enemy's plans, or else I make sure to have SPAs around for devouring purposes. He's just such an all-around model with abilities that are useful in almost every case that I can't imagine not taking him.

I usually just brick up. If my opponent has a heavy hitter he moves up too close then it just goes down. My experience so far with Leveticus is that it's like playing a brick with a gun duct-taped to it. If my opponent defends against the gun (Leveticus picking a model every single turn to kill instantly) then I hit him with the brick (the Desolation Engine and Ashes and Dust tag-teaming). If he tries to smash the brick I shoot him in the face. Since there hasn't been a lot of running of heavy hitters around here, once I manage to turn one or two into extra SPAs or Waifs then usually my opponent doesn't have the juice to bring down both A&D and the Engine, and the game turns into a horror show.

Edited by Zerosoul
Adding a thought
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