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Marcus Vs Lady Justice - Question of overall tactics


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So, 35 ss game


Marcus - Slaughter/Break Through



Silurid x3

Raptor x4


Lady Justice - Escape and Survive/(The one where you have kill someone specific)

Scales of Justice


Santiago or Francisco (which ever one is better at close combat)

Guild Austringer

Death Marshall x2

Watcher x2

Bog with a Soulstone vein, diagonal set up on a 3x4 board with reasonable terrain.

My opponent wisely bunkered down in a far off corner of a medium-to-large building and let me come to him. I didn't hire any ranged shooting characters because it was just a fun game and I was playing a fun, fluff based crew creation.

My question is how do I draw out his characters in order to give myself a fighting chance? I had a crew designed to travel at the speed of light considering I was in a bog but sadly lacked punch as a result.

I turned Myranda into a Shikome but forgetting she was a Spirit led to a detrimental few turns before anything serious could happen offensively.

The Raptors proved futile at being offensive. Even with few Controller cards left to defend my opponent had no problems and out of 10 Raptor attacks only 2 succeeded in causing damage and none were Tomes for the intended purpose of turning people into Beasts.

I unfortunately misjudged the Silurids Leap and 2 ended up just short of charging range of 2 Marshalls while the third failed his Leap and had to run around barriers to try and keep up and fell short of next turns companion range.

Marcus was his usual awesome self and removed the Judge and a Marshall easily.

But my problem was trying to outposition someone who has no reason to change from their current position. If I charged my crew from one primary direction I would of had the crap shot out of me from those in and around the building. If I tried to charge everyone around and through the building at the same time, the Ortega, Lady J and Judge were positioned to counter charge me.

Besides a different crew creation, how would you draw them out to make peice-meal of them?

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