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The all female outcast crew...


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So when i started playing malifaux a good while ago i thought to myself those Victoria models look cool and so do the ronin and taelor - umm wonder if i can build myself an all female crew. So i did and it worked pretty well. now looking to expand the mercenary crew out i want to keep the all female feel of the crew i have but use some of the other models - so what i really need is some help either figuring out alternative sculpts for some of the more tricksy outcasts models or looking at the links and letting me know if you know of any better models i could be using.

I will start with book 1 and try to edit on book 2 later today. (which i still don't own so the model suggestions for that might be well off!)

once completed will paint it all up and put it up on the forums:

The one i REALLY need help with for book 1 is Johan - trying to find a female model with a hammer is hard work.

Victorias - use the Wyrd models, tis brilliant.

Malifaux Child - http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1357

Student of Conflict - http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1372

Convict Gunslinger1 - http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=prp_wmc_mcn_sol_231_000

Convict Gunslinger 2 - http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=prp_ikg_min_ord_101_000

Bishop http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=1342

Hanz: http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=prp_wmc_cyg_wcr_711_000

Misak and Taelor: Wyrd models

Johan =

Killjoy (without the beard) http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod1040016

Heamlin (minion) - http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=prp_hrd_loe_sol_121_000 with a pet spider on a bigger base.

Book 2 ideas to come shortly.

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With a little imagination "Dirty Meg" from Warmachine could make a nice Johan fill in. She doesn't have a hammer but a big honkin wrench works for me:)

She's got the MS&U look down:


Tabletop Gaming New also had a preview for an Anima Tactics female smashing a huge hammer into the ground a couple days ago. The site is down right now but once it pops up I'll post the link.

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With a little imagination "Dirty Meg" from Warmachine could make a nice Johan fill in. She doesn't have a hammer but a big honkin wrench works for me:)

She's got the MS&U look down:


Tabletop Gaming New also had a preview for an Anima Tactics female smashing a huge hammer into the ground a couple days ago. The site is down right now but once it pops up I'll post the link.

you sir are a genius, me and some of my mates have been discussing this for the best part of an afternoon and that is by far the best suggestion i have seen! (the other being a VERY small female dwarf blacksmith)

Trying to find a replacement for Jack Daw is nigh impossible as he is a very unique charecter but we did come up with this alternative which though nothing like jack daw could hopefully convey some of his charecter: (though open for suggestions on this guy - janice daw anyone?) http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/Dark%20Maiden/sku-down/14106#detail/14106_DarkMaiden_ds

and while looking at various minis, came across this that would make an excellent alternative zoraida! http://www.fantization.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=13034

thanks again Bellygrub will be picking up a dirty meg me thinks.

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Trying to find a replacement for Jack Daw is nigh impossible as he is a very unique charecter but we did come up with this alternative which though nothing like jack daw could hopefully convey some of his charecter.

This one might work if you went with drowned instead of hanged.


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Just a warning, the Privateer Press models are gonna tower over the wyrd ones. Also, if I might make a suggestion for Hans:


Snap: the second model you suggest the "drowned" have only just now put down as a potential "hanged" model to go with the sea fairing jack daw.

looking at privateer press models in the flesh i have tend to found that wyrd minis actually tower over the privateer press one's especially people like tealor and the vics that are quite tall.

not sure on that sniper, the only other decent one i found was the urban war Viridian sniper veteran: http://www.urbanmammoth.co.uk/acatalog/info_13109.html

well that is probably enough to work on now - should get some paint on the minis i already own and once i get hold of book 2 can root around for some more minis to complete the crew.

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I was going to use this model as Hans in my Raspy crew:


I've also found the PP models are smaller then a lot of the Wyrd minis. Like the 13th Gun Mages I bought to stand in for the Gunsmith. They looked like teenage boys next to Ramos. I had to axe them and order Doc Taranto.

With the female figures you can get away a bit more with the size difference though. My friends Perdita proxy, Valeria, looks perfectly find mixed in with the rest of his guild crew.

I really like that Jack Daw suggestion you had Pox. That's a really cool model. She's make a good Betty for a Pirate themed resser crew too.

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well a bit more response then I anticipated - cheers for all the help.

Now to get my hands on book 2 and see what to do with that lot. (as I will be building a heamlin crew as well as the vics.)

Rob Jedi cheers for the hanz suggestions some of those are pretty good indeed, and never seen ramshackle minis before a great little site - after some friends showed concern over the jack daw model suggestion saying it was not an obvious jack daw mini i have managed to pick up Trixie from ramshackle minis for the almighty sum of 48p whom should be a bit more in line with the normal jack daw imagery:


right now to paint!

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