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Kaeris/Silent One Proxies?


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So I'm excited that the Silent Ones are coming in December (who didn't see THAT coming?), but bummed I have to wait so long to dump money on another awesome Wyrd mini.

I'm bummed that Kaeris isn't even on the schedule (especially because I'm so hot for her..get it?).

So that got me to thinking... what to proxy for both?


Now I'm pretty set on this model, as it's already a very M&SU looking model, although I'll have to add:


To complete her, as well as:


Silent One:




The first picture caught my eye because it is pretty Native American feeling (which I envision a lot of the Cult of December is, sorta.) and it comes with the fox, which I love. She also looks pretty feral.

The second I like because it again has that Native American feel, but seems too "naked" to me (although they ARE frozen hearted, so it wouldn't matter much to them). She's very dynamic as well.

The third is sort of a mix between the two, less covered than the first, but still very savage. I'd replace her dagger (or paint it like an icicle).

On all three models I'd be sculpting over their lower faces, to give them a similar mask to the art of the Silent One in Book 2.

What do you think?


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My idea of Kaeris involves the GW Saint Celestine with a pair of the microart studio wings you have shown.

The flame base would be a nice tough, but could be overkill... However, putting the flame in her hand and equipping her with appropriate weapons should not be too much of a stretch.

I dont own RP yet... its in the mail, so I dont know what her rules are...

Anyone got a link?

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