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The Kittens Have Lost Their Mittens


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Well, I was looking in the book and thinking about synergies. I came up with a list that, honestly, I don't know how practical the application would be, but seems like it could be a lot of fun.

Marcus (+4SS)

Miranda (7SS)

Jackalope (1SS)

Hoarcat Pride x4 (20SS)

1 SS cache

The thought being that both Marcus and Miranda are capable of healing the Hoarcat Prides to keep their claws sharp (so to speak), that Miranda could become another Hoarcat Pride if necessary, and having multiple Hoarcat Prides moving at about 3" apart so that they can each devour ht 1 or 2 living models and heal themselves. Then the Jackalope can keep getting pushed around to tie up troublesome opponents in melee and allow the others to gang up on it or flee from it. Thing is, like I say, I don't know how well it would work in practical application. It seems like with melee expert and the potential of the rip throat trigger with consistently healed prides, there could be a lot of damage against some crews and evasive 3, harmless, and pass through would help a lot with objectives for VP. Thoughts?

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Funny List...


I used the prides so far only in a 2er Pack...

But this list seems to have a chance practicing it...

Problem... you still need very high cards to heal your Prides...

Other Problem is, that the prides are not that fast....

In most of my games with them they could not hold line with marcus... but if you use Marcus as a healer that should be no Problem...

Please try this List out...

Can not wait to hear gthe results... :)

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