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How to kill Perdita with Seamus


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Well after drawing slaughter in my last couple of games coming up against Perdita I am getting a little frustrated at not being able to kill her, I wipe of the rest of her crew but just not her. The closest I have gotten so far is down to one wound with a Belle tanking her (linked grave spirit) and taking her down to one wound.

The usual trick just dont work due to immune to influence so any help would be great

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Perdita is the bane of an easy win.

Although honestly, if you want to nab yourself a win, just ignore Perdita and wipe out her crew, for her box set, they all cost way more than your Belles, so killing them should nab you a win.

However, for killing her, for the sole purpose of saying you've officially killed the unkillable, you need to abuse Madame Sybelle and cover.

Force the player to move closer to gain LoS to your models and then just pile on the hurt with an Alpha Strike, starting with Seamus and hope to trigger Slit Jugular as much as possible to pave the way to you dealing more damage with your girls.

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hmmm. i always just ignor her. (seamus seems like the type to murder her family then let her live with it.) maybe add some dogs, about 4-6 since she can and will kill most of them, to lower her def then jump her with bette, seamus and sybelle and like Sandwhich said go for slit Jugular anytime you can she will run out of stones/cards eventually. obviously keep some o the dogs hidden until perdita gives you the oportunity to go all out.

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hmmm. i always just ignor her. (seamus seems like the type to murder her family then let her live with it.) maybe add some dogs, about 4-6 since she can and will kill most of them, to lower her def then jump her with bette, seamus and sybelle and like Sandwhich said go for slit Jugular anytime you can she will run out of stones/cards eventually. obviously keep some o the dogs hidden until perdita gives you the oportunity to go all out.

Do exactly this.

I wouldn't go with quite 4-6 dogs, I'd aim for maybe 3, and then match or exceed that number with Belles.

But really, go after her family first.

If any of them are alive, they will make your life hell.

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