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I am new to the game and i have some question.

First of all: I'm planning to start with Ramos, is he a good caster for a newbie?

I already own the core book.is the book 2 already available?

what are the new figures that I could use with Ramos?

thanks to everyone and forgive my english

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Book 2 is available, the best new thing for Ramos IMO is probably the new totem Mobile Toolkit. It's capable of making his summons much more reliable.

As for being a good master to start with, he seems pretty middle of the road to me. He's relatively straightforward, having some decent attack power and good summons, his real failing is he doesn't have much in the way of defenses aside from his Armor 2 ability, so he needs to hang back much of the time.

As forwhat to take with him, his Box Set is:

Ramos himself

3 Steampunk Arachnids

1 Steamborg Executioner

The Arachnids are the core of his force, they are all-around decent, being mobile, relatively hard to kill, and capable of putting quite a bit of hurt down on the enemy. Steamborg is ok, many people recommend taking Joss instead but I have not had a chance to try that myself. I'm no Ramos expert, so keep that in mind before following my advice, but I would buy, in this order:

1) Another set of Arachnids. They're the core of his army and you don't want to run out of more to summon.

2) The Mechanical Toolkit from Book 2. It makes him much more reliable, I didn't really like Ramos before seeing this totem. It's a shame because his Book 1 totem is so powerful.

3) Johan. He's from the Outcast faction, pretty good synergy with Ramos and adds some ranged damage otherwise lacling from the mix. This is more my opinion though, I like him but he's by no means neccessary.

4) Whatever strikes your fancy. As I said Johan is popular, there are plenty of options in both books for Ramos. Marcus' Beast units, particularly the Cerberus can add some speed to an otherwise only averge-paced army.

In addition to all that, if you decide you like him and later on want to expand your Malifaux repitoire, Ramos works extremely well in brawls with Collette and Hoffman, both from the new book.

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I agree with most of what the above poster said. He is a solid Master, but takes some getting used to. Once you get the hang of him though, he is a blast to play, with your minions blowing up all over the place.

I would also highly suggest snagging an Electrical Creation, cause he is just an amazing model and awesome summon.

More spiders, cause once that toolkit comes out, we'll be bringing them out even crazier than before.

Some Ramos players swear by Rusty Alyce, I just started to use her, and I'm starting to see why. Having 2 extra control cards is incredibly powerful.

If you aren't convinced by Johan, then I can also suggest a Convict Gunslinger, which is one of the best models in the game for the points value, and gives you solid ranged attack.

I don't use the Steamborg, as I think he costs way to much for what he does, and always tends to run away from my crew and die by his lonesome on the other half of the board. I would suggest either more spiders, or Joss for the killing power.

December Acolytes are also nice models to consider to give Ramos some mobility on the board.

Feel free to ask whatever, but welcome to an incredible game.

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Thank you guys!

I bought starter,brass arachnid,joss,johan and rusty alyce.

Rusty alyce is awesome i love her ability!in my opinion is an autoinclude with ramos

can you help me to build a 35ss list?

I thought to use


rusty alyce 10

brass arachnid 2

johan 7

Steampunk Arachnid 3

Steampunk Arachnid 3

Steampunk Arachnids swarm 9

34/35 3 soulstones

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Thank you guys!

I bought starter,brass arachnid,joss,johan and rusty alyce.

Rusty alyce is awesome i love her ability!in my opinion is an autoinclude with ramos

can you help me to build a 35ss list?

I thought to use


rusty alyce 10

brass arachnid 2

johan 7

Steampunk Arachnid 3

Steampunk Arachnid 3

Steampunk Arachnids swarm 9

34/35 3 soulstones

That is the exact list I've been running for the past couple games. I think you paid one to much for Johan though, I believe he gets a 1ss discount due to Ramos be a M&SU member.

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I actually haven't used the electical creation myself, so this is just theoretical, but it looks to me like the best use of him is to summon while Ramos is near a group of enemies(say if they're moving in to try and assassinate him) and let it run through the enemy forces, dealing damage to them on the way. Then it can just explode as needed.

It doesn't seem integral to Ramos' machinations, but if it interests you I don't have anything in particular to say against it.

My bad on missing Alyce in the first post, I think she's a little steep at 10ss, but with a powerful ranged attack and a ton of useful abilities I should have remembered her :wallbash:

EDIT: I noticed someonemention the Convict Gunslinger for ranged, I'd like to submit I think the new Gunsmith model from Book 2 is probably better. It's 7ss but very useful. You have Alyce though, so maybe you aren't even looking for more ranged.

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It was myself. I haven't picked up my own copy of book 2 yet, so other than the INCREDIBLE new totem for Ramos, I haven't really absorbed everything else.

The electrical creation is incredible to lock up weak zones, and just watch your foe stress and worry when you summon it, then move it over his models to put it in the middle of his stuff. He doesn't want to blow it up, cause it explodes, but he wants to move his stuff away before you blow it up, and since it has companion: Ramos, that will be happening very soon.

Just proxy him it and give it a whirl, I promise you won't be upset by his performance.

Alyce is steep, but that control card bonus is huge.

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Off the top of my head, it gives Ramos an extra Tome to casting, so he meets his double tome requirements on certain spells, it can repair constructs, and I believe can also control detonate other constructs just like Ramos. It is much weaker, and can't fight, but it Links to Ramos, and with all the options it adds, I'll take it over Stoke any day.

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