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New to Malifaux, where to start?


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I'm an avid 40k player, but after hearing about Malifaux, I'm hooked - and even trying to get my friends to play.

I love the idea of a story driven, average of 45 minutes length game. The theme? Amazing! Someone get a director, cause Wyrd need to make a movie. And I can't forget the stunning miniature line.

That said, I don't know where to start. I know I want to start with a Guild boxset - is one of the three (or the Mercenaries boxset) good for starting players to get into the game?

Thanks in advance!

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That said, I don't know where to start. I know I want to start with a Guild boxset - is one of the three (or the Mercenaries boxset) good for starting players to get into the game?

Thanks in advance!

All of the Guild boxes are reasonable for beginners. Really depends on what you think your preferred playstyle is likely to be.None of them would be a mistake.

Not too sure about the mercenary box set so won't comment on it.

Anyway, welcome to the game and the forums.

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The gunslingers is probably your best choice, because the box set really contains all you need for a really awesome game, and there's no more thematic characters you need (until the release of Gramma Ortega of course.)

If you were looking for a competetive edge in the game, a melee or magic character would be a good thing to pick up, I've heard witchlings are popular, as well as a peacekeeper for an Ortega force. they're fairly ranged heavy, and popular opinion seems to be against Papa Loco (though he's my personal favorite, I don't play ortegas. I just love his figure.)

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Hi and welcome to the game!

I play all the guild members and perdita is my fav, but its because I like the shooty and obey theme that she has. Let me break down what each master does then you can choose based off you playing style.

Lady J - My lest fav boxset, I’m not a fan a melee heavy lists and she is a melee master. Lady Jay is one of the slowest masters only having melee master (+1 action for combat use only) where as most of the other masters have 2 actions and either +1 magic or just +1 anthing or even better ones. But then she is great as is, she is a great fighter and makes other fighters really good around her when she kills things, she also is themed to kill undead lists but she can pretty much kill anything. The judge I hear is one of the weakest models for her box at his point cost, but is a good mix of range and melee. The death marshals are interesting tricky models that have a good melee and range stats and can bury models they don’t want to have to deal with.

Perdita and her family are mainly shooting based. They have good range and Nino is considered to be one of the best shooters in the game. The box is themed to be anti-neverborn but like the other boxes its good at killing everything. The family save papa loco have some of the highest willpower rating in the game. Perdita is fast and has the highest defense rating in the guild, as long as she has soul stones on her she will be incredibly hard to kill. Her other family members are great. Papa loco though has a low will power and is not good to play in every game but he is a powerful model that blows up himself and allot of other models.

Sonnia Crrid is another great boxset, she is more magic bases and her boxset is anti-spell themed. Sonnia uses spells to cast an area effect blast spells that damage allot of models and her box set has allot of skills the force your opponent to discard cards. Her witchling stalkers are by far the best none-unique minion in the game with hunter and scout. Sonnia can also summon more stalkers with one of her spells.

All the box sets are strong on there own but I would recommend buying cretin totems for each master but not necessary the ones you think,

For lady J buythe Gov's proxy

For Perdita buy the enslaved N

And for Sonia crrid buy the student of conflict

For all list I would concider adding Nino (unless you already get him in the box) the witchling stalkers (same as above) and the executioner as possible add ons to the lists.

Hope this helps,


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Well they would work well with Crrid or Perdita, it just depends on what you are planing to do. I would subjest getting the perdita boxset myself since That is my fav army to play. The you can add the death guys on the side.

They would work well with crrid but she coes with witchling stalkers who out peform the death guys in the game so it would be hard for me to switch them out. but maybe a mix of the two would work well at 35ss,


Samual hopkins 8

Death Marshal 4

Death Marshal 4

Death Marshal 4

Wichling stalker 4

Wichling stalker 4

Wichling stalker 4

Leaves you with 3ss on crrid plus her 4 so 7SS cache.

Worth a try at lest, though i would get nino and replace one of each of the 4 pointers with him giving you 8ss on Crrid.

Its something to play around with.


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