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Western Town Bases


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One of two ways to go on this.

Traditionally, Western towns were clear-cut for building with little to zero roadwork. So you're basically looking at dirt, compacted by frequent foot, animal, and wagon traffic, with maybe bits of grass or tumbleweed here and there, or

You could use the wood plankings many buildings used as storefront.

The Wasteland boards would probably be appropriate also.
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If you're just going for a straightforward deserty-type base, why not just go the cheapest route and use real sand? A $3 tube from the hardware store will last you for thousands of models (seriously, after handling all of my Warhammer 40k, Warmachine, Hordes (Twice!), and now Malifaux miniatures, I'm only 1/10 of the way through the bucket I filled with it), and you have a variety of things you can do with it - paint the model then use it as is; paint the model, glue on the sand, then apply a wash; glue it on with the model and paint it along with the model (what I usually do). You can find scenery pieces to add to it from a model train store (lichen for tumbleweeds, flock, static grass, etc) to give it a more varied appearance without a huge increase in price (though finding a small enough quantity for a single base may be problematic).

For an example of the effect this can have, I point you to my Santiago Ortego model:


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