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Tajni sveT first organized event - Novi Sad, Serbia -21.08.2010.


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Hello all,

as we are waiting for Maelstrom (UK distributor) to release and send us new stuff (this is the only way for us to get Malifaux stuff here), I had to gather some of my friends to play some Malifaux untill the new stuff drastically changes everything.

In Belgrade, which is our biggest city and our capitol, about 70 miles from here, there are few players for Malifaux and they have some beautifully painted minis in collection. They were glad that I started Malifaux and as my friends they were eager to come here and to play few games. This was also a presentation as we decided to announce on every local gaming forum.


Our local club is opening at four pm, but I took keys and started at noon. So there were only my friends from Belgrade and me, five of us, and we decided to try to play two on three, in first team each player with 30, in another 20 ss per player. The game was very tense, but after my massacre of my own Gremlins, opponents manage to get victory.


I brought a camera, but the batteries were low, so there are only few pics. I didn't manage to get some pics on demo games after the club opened, but we did teach two new guys, and some of our new players tried different armies, as Belgrade friends brought the Mc mourning and nurses, as well as Sonnia and stalkers.


I gave a word to my Belgrade friends that soon, as we all get our stuff, and as soon as we assemble it, Novi Sad will come to visit Belgrade. Maybe the first tournament will arise from this intercity friendship gaming events. First Malifaux tour in Serbia.


Thanks for hearing all this,

Tajni sveT (Secret World on English).

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